Re: [PATCH v2] TTY: fix atime/mtime regression

From: Craig Small
Date: Sat May 04 2013 - 20:40:54 EST

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:02:12AM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Craig, background: the current git kernel (so 3.9, and these commits
> will presumably be back-ported) does not update tty timestamps very
> often, because you can use the timestamps to look at peoples typing
> behavior. Initially it didn't update the timestamps AT ALL, but that
> broke the whole idle routine. Now it updates it only at minute
> boundaries, so things like "w" _work_, but the hundreth-of-a-second
> idle precision is obviously just totally random noise.
I've always personally got confused with that field! Joey Hess kept
bugging me for the -o option which was derived from w.bassman though
its been so long ago I forget where that came from.

I saw someone wants the 10 second resolution, can I get it confirmed
that the kernel will only be updating at minute intervals (so the .1
second stuff is completely useless) or 10 second (so the .1 second
stuff is just confusing for most of us).

I'll then make some sort of change to w, possibly flipping the logic of
the -o flag.

- Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ csmall at :
Debian GNU/Linux csmall at :
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