Re: 3.10-rc3 NFSv3 mount issues
From: Chuck Lever
Date: Thu May 30 2013 - 16:26:35 EST
On May 30, 2013, at 4:19 PM, Jim Schutt <jaschut@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to test 3.10-rc3 on some diskless clients, and found
> that I can no longer mount my root file system via NFSv3.
> I poked around looking at NFS changes for 3.10, and found these two
> commits:
> d497ab9751 "NFSv3: match sec= flavor against server list"
> 4580a92d44 "NFS: Use server-recommended security flavor by default (NFSv3)"
> If I revert both of these commits from 3.10-rc3, then my diskless
> client can mount its root file system.
> The busybox mount command fails like this, when using 3.10-rc3:
> / # mount -t nfs -o ro,nolock,vers=3,proto=tcp /mnt
> mount: mounting on /mnt failed: Invalid argument
> The commit messages for both these commits seem to say that mounting
> with the "sys=sec" option should work, but unfortunately, my busybox doesn't
> seem to understand the "sec=" mount option:
> / # mount -t nfs -o ro,nolock,vers=3,proto=tcp,sec=sys /mnt
> mount: invalid number 'sys'
> My NFS server is based on RHEL6, and is not using any "sec=" option
> in its export for this file system. I did try exporting with "sec=sys",
> but it didn't seem to make any difference either.
> So far, this seems like a regression to me ....
> Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? How can I
> help make this work again?
3.10-rc3 appears to be missing the fix for this. See:
Trond, can we get this applied?
Chuck Lever
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