On Sat 2013-06-22 18:43:01, Sebastian Reichel wrote:Hi Pavel,On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 01:26:20PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:You are right. LP5523 seems to do such effects on its own.On Tue 2013-06-18 18:24:23, Gaël PORTAY wrote:Actually the n900 has hardware support for this. There's aCurrently, none of available triggers supports playing with the LED brightnessI'd say this should go to userspace.... and maybe should handle RGB
level. The cycle trigger provides a way to define custom brightness cycle.
For example, it is easy to customize the cycle to mock up the rhythm of human
breathing which is a nice cycle to tell the user the system is doing something.
This trigger is meant to be usable for waiting an event to happen, for example
when the system gets ready. Those cycles may be used to reflect well known
system status (e.g. idle mode, startup...).
This implementation provides several interfaces:
- to define the cycle itself:
* plot: definition of plot points using plot or rawplot files,
each points defines the brightness level
* interval: constant time interval between each plot point
- to control the cycle:
* repeat: the number of repetition of the whole plot cycle
0 for an infinite loop
* control: used to control the cycle trigger
+ "start"/"stop": to start/stop the cycle
+ "reset" to clear the cycle counter and the internal plot point index
+ "pause"/"resume" to pause/resume the cycle
Signed-off-by: Gaël PORTAY <g.portay@xxxxxxxxxxx>
leds. ... like the one on n900/HTC dream/....
Actually, there's probably some daemon in maemo that already does
programmable LED driver on the board, which is called LP5523.
So... I don't think there's a daemon in maemo ;)
But that means that there's good reason to include effects in the
kernel, and that we should make sure same it has same interface as on
(Or invent suitable interface that can work on n900).