Re: 3.9.0 + CONFIG_X86_INTEL_PSTATE=y -> ThinkPad T420 with i5 lostACPI functionality
From: Toralf FÃrster
Date: Sun Jul 07 2013 - 04:45:14 EST
On 05/28/2013 08:11 PM, Toralf FÃrster wrote:
> cgexec from the libcgroup-tools package (fedora name) look like it will
>> place
>> a process in a group for you.
>> Has some useful examples.
>> --Dirk
What I'm looking for is a command telling the governor "do not increase
CPU frequency for this process (group)" - because that's the main
intention of "nice -19", right ?
Without such a simple-to-use-command/replacement-of-nice-19 a lot of
systems in the wild won't work as expected with the p-state driver in
place of acpi_cpufreq.
(And AFAICR this was one of those reasons why for ondemand the
"ignore_nice" sysfs feature was implemented)
Especially RedHat systems using the kernel-ml will automatically switch
to p-state - pretty sure, that's not wanted by a reasonable amount of
people, or ?
Toralf FÃrster
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