mpt2sas/sd_mod: Adding back a removed disk handle
From: Ole Tange
Date: Mon Jul 15 2013 - 12:08:50 EST
One of my disks had a slight hiccup. This caused mpt2sas to remove the
handle to the disk. In my kernel log I get:
mpt2sas1: removing handle(0x0021), sas_addr(0x500304800182694c)
By reseating the disk physically I can get mpt2sas to pick up the disk
again, but can I somehow through software ask mpt2sas to detect the
drive again without physically reseating the drive?
I tried:
parallel 'echo "- - -" >' ::: /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/scan
but that did not pick up the drive.
The drive is sitting in an enclosure
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