Re: [ 00/19] 3.10.1-stable review
From: Regina Obe
Date: Tue Jul 23 2013 - 00:50:17 EST
I do want to partially apologize to Sarah for my first email. That
was really much tongue in cheek to express what happens when things
get too polite
and professional and hope she wasn't too offended. I saw Sarah's last post
and see she's changed her tune a bit which is a lot more agreeable to
me and I suspect others.
However I still thinks she's a little bit too pendantic to the point
of being really annoying and seeming like she's memorized the book of
conduct quoting things like "
The book "No Assholes Rule" cites research that shows only 1% of
subordinates bully their superiors"
and is ready to throw it in peoples faces if they infringe on the rules.
Those rules are way too long to follow. Why can't you guys just trust
your insticts and if you are relaly worried about Linus -- just make
it a rule "If anybody thinks X is acting as a jerk at this very moment
-- call it out"
Honestly do yo guys even have time to read 20 pages of what is and
ISN'T and insult. I also suspect the public viewers aren't going to be
looking up at an Org Chart "Hmm let me check if Linus is allowed to
insult this guy :) "
When you are at the party since she's probably going to miss this note
because its on a dead thread if you could convey my sentiments.
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