Re: [Ksummit-2013-discuss] [ATTEND] How to act on LKML
From: Felipe Contreras
Date: Tue Jul 23 2013 - 20:51:14 EST
On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Daniel Phillips
<d.phillips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 07/20/2013 12:36 PM, Felipe Contreras wrote:
>> I think you need more than "hope" to change one of the fundamental
>> rules of LKML; be open and honest, even if that means expressing your
>> opinion in a way that others might consider offensive and colorful.
> Logical fallacy type: bifurcation. You can be open and honest without
> being offensive or abusive.
You are mistaken, that is not what the false dichotomy fallacy means.
I'm not saying you have to be A (open and honest), or B (polite), and
that you can't be both, if that's what you arguing (which seems to be
the case), you are wrong, and to argue against that position would be
a straw man fallacy.
Your mistaken fallacy seems to be that you think one can *always* be
both A (open and honest), and B (polite), I'm not sure if there's a
name for that fallacy, but you don't provide any evidence for that
And even supposing that such an obvious fallacy (that one can *always*
be both open and honest, and polite) was true, the fact that something
*can* be done, doesn't mean it *should* be done.
Felipe Contreras
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