Re: [PATCH v2 3/5] mmc: dw_mmc: Add exynos resume_noirq callback toclear WAKEUP_INT
From: Doug Anderson
Date: Wed Jul 31 2013 - 12:18:43 EST
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 5:09 AM, Seungwon Jeon <tgih.jun@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry for late response.
> Yes, it's not clear.
> If you get the confirmation, could you share this problem?
> Possibly, auto-clear may not be implemented.
> Then, manual should be correct.
I just got an update from my contacts. They confirm that bit 11 is
not automatically cleared and that writing to it will clear it.
Hopefully this information will make it into the next version of any
documentation that you receive as well.
It is still unclear exactly why the WAKEUP_INT was being asserted on
our board despite the fact that all of the wakeup control signals
(bits 10:8) were 0. That is still being investigated.
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