[[RFC]] scripts/robopatch.pl: the mechanical bride of checkpatch.pl
From: Phil Carmody
Date: Tue Aug 06 2013 - 06:28:46 EST
Checkpatch knows a lot about the linux coding style. It's very
helpful in telling us humans what to change in order to improve
our C code. However, as lazy humans, we rarely do that.
That's where robopatch steps in - it will take the output
of checkpatch, and attempt to perform all the changes that
it feels confident it can do without breaking the code.
Think of it like a 'roid-raged indent/Lindent or cleanfile.
Yes, that's like them on steroids, and with all the mindlessness
that implies. It really doesn't attempt to understand much C at
all, it relies on checkpatch knowing about those kinds of things,
and then just blindly obeys orders. ALWAYS CHECK ITS CHANGES.
Signed-off-by: Phil Carmody <phil.carmody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
scripts/robopatch.pl | 465 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 465 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 scripts/robopatch.pl
diff --git a/scripts/robopatch.pl b/scripts/robopatch.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..784f355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/robopatch.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# robopatch.pl
+# Author: Phil Carmody <phil.carmody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright 2013- Samsung Electronics Ltd.
+# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
+# Attempt to clean files mentioned in checkpatch output.
+# It relies on checkpatch having all the intelligence,
+# isolating the problems very specifically, so the actual
+# fixes can be done relatively safely. However, you should
+# always check the output.
+# Error handling is on a fail-early and fail-often policy.
+# Verbose logging goes to stderr presently, while this is WIP.
+# Typical usage:
+# $ scripts/checkpatch.pl WHATEVER > /tmpcheckpatch.log
+# $ scripts/robopatch.pl < /tmp/checkpatch.log
+# $ git diff
+use strict qw(refs subs vars);
+use warnings;
+# This script edits files in place unless --dryrun is set
+my $dryrun=0;
+# TODO: permit filtering of which rules you want to act upon.
+my $filtered=0;
+while(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) {
+ my $arg=shift(@ARGV);
+ if($arg =~ m/--dryrun/) {
+ $dryrun=1;
+ }
+ if($arg =~ m/--filter=(.+)/) {
+ # TODO: parse a filter file
+ $filtered=1;
+ }
+ if($arg =~ m/--/) { last; }
+my %aliases; # short name -> full path
+my %files; # short name -> array of changes
+my @files; # short name in order seen
+my $lastfile=undef;
+my $lastline=undef;
+my $state=0;
+my $build=undef;
+while(<>) {
+ chomp;
+ my $handled=0;
+ if($state==0
+ and m/^total: (\d+) errors, (\d+) warnings, (\d+) lines checked/) {
+ if(defined($lastfile)) {
+ print STDERR "$lastfile: E/W/L=$1/$2/$3\n" if($1 or $2 or $3);
+ $state=4;
+ } else {
+ $state=5;
+ }
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==0 and m/^(?:WARNING|ERROR): .*/) {
+ die("unknown state before: $_") if($build);
+ $build={ message => $_ };
+ $state=1;
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==0 and
+ m/^(If any of these errors are false|them to the maintainer)/) {
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==1 and m/^#\d+: FILE: (.+):(\d+):$/) {
+ my ($f, $l)=($1, $2);
+ die("file confusion, lf=$lastfile f=$f") if(defined($lastfile) and $lastfile ne $f);
+ if(!defined($files{$f})) { push @files, $f; $files{$f}=[]; }
+ if(defined($lastfile) and defined($lastline) and ($lastline eq $l)
+ and ($files{$lastfile}->[-1]->{'message'} eq $build->{'message'})) {
+ # This message is identical to the previous one, just tally.
+ $build->{'tally'}=$files{$lastfile}->[-1]->{'tally'}+1;
+ pop(@{$files{$lastfile}});
+ } else {
+ $build->{'tally'}=1;
+ }
+ $build->{'file'}=$f;
+ $build->{'line'}=$l;
+ $build->{'fileline'}=$_;
+ $build->{'lines'}=[];
+ $lastfile=$f;
+ $lastline=$l;
+ $state=2;
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==2 and m/^(\+|\[\.\.\.\]$)/) {
+ push @{$build->{'lines'}}, $_;
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==2 and m/^ (\s*)\^/) {
+ if(@{$build->{'lines'}} != 1 or defined($build->{'column'})) {
+ die("column confusion")
+ }
+ $build->{'column'}=$_;
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif(($state==2 or $state==3) and m/^$/) {
+ push @{$files{$lastfile}}, $build;
+ $build=undef;
+ $state=0;
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==4 and m/^(.+) has style problems, please review/) {
+ $aliases{$lastfile}=$1;
+ $lastfile=undef;
+ $lastline=undef;
+ $state=0;
+ $handled=1;
+ } elsif($state==4 or $state==5 or $state==0 and m/^$/) {
+ $handled=1;
+ } else {
+ die("in state $state (lf=$lastfile), what's: $_");
+ }
+# Stub - currently process everything possible
+sub msg_is_OK($)
+ if(!$filtered) { return 1; }
+ return 1;
+sub handle_message($$$$)
+ my ($rfn,$whref,$inref,$outref)=@_;
+ my $handled=0;
+ my ($msg, $line)=@{$whref}{'message', 'line'};
+ my $tail=$#{$whref->{'lines'}};
+ # Zillions of these, and really can't or don't want to fix them - ignore them
+ if($msg =~ m/^WARNING: line over \d+ characters/ or
+ $msg =~ m/^WARNING: quoted string split across lines/ or
+ $msg =~ m/^WARNING: Too many leading tabs - consider code refactoring/ or
+ $msg =~ m/^WARNING: Avoid CamelCase: / or
+ $msg =~ m{^ERROR: do not use C99 // comments}) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Purely for debugging...
+ print STDERR ("$rfn:$line: ($whref->{'tally'}) $msg\n",
+ join("\n", @{$whref->{'lines'}}),"\n");
+ if($whref->{'column'}) {
+ print STDERR ("$whref->{'column'}\n");
+ }
+ # Now the ones we can handle
+ if($msg =~ m/^ERROR: trailing whitespace/) {
+ # cleanfile should clean these
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ if($work !~ m/\s+$/) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: no trailing space to kill\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $work =~ s/\s+$/\n/;
+ $outref->[$line]=$work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^ERROR: code indent should use tabs where possible/) {
+ # cleanfile doesn't fix these.
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ if($work !~ m/ \s/) { # two spaces or space tab
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: no indenting space to kill\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Fix excessive spaces after known tab-aligned columns
+ while($work =~ s/(^|\t) /$1\t/) { $handled=1; }
+ # This kills spaces at known tab-aligned columns before other tabs
+ while($work =~ s/(^|\t) +\t/$1\t/) { $handled=1; }
+ # The combination attempts to not mess up ascii art/tables.
+ $outref->[$line]=$work if($handled);
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^WARNING: please, no space before tabs/) {
+ # cleanfile will fix these, and do a better job.
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ if($work !~ m/ \t/) {
+ # the above code indent fix may already have kicked in
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: no pre-tab space to kill\n"
+ if(!defined($outref->[$line]));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # tabify excessive spaces before tabs
+ while($work =~ s/ \t/\t\t/) { $handled=1; }
+ # kill or tabify short runs of spaces
+ while($work =~ m/^(.*\t?)([^\t]*)( +)(\t.*)/s) {
+ my $addtab = (length($2)%8+length($3))>=8 ? "\t" : "";
+ $work = "$1$2$addtab$4";
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ # The combination attempts to not mess up ascii art/tables.
+ $outref->[$line]=$work if($handled);
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^WARNING: please, no spaces at the start of a line/) {
+ # cleanfile doesn't fix these.
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ if($work !~ m/^( +)/) {
+ # code indent should use tabs may already have operated
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: no leading space to kill\n"
+ if(!defined($outref->[$line]));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $spaces=length($1)%8;
+ my $tabs=(length($1)-$spaces)/8;
+ if(!$tabs) { $tabs=1; $spaces=0; }
+ my $subst=("\t"x$tabs).(" "x$spaces);
+ $work =~ s/^ +/$subst/;
+ $outref->[$line] = $work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m{^WARNING: Use #include <linux/(\w+)\.h> instead of <asm/(\w+)\.h>}) {
+ my $hunt="<asm/$1.h>";
+ my $replace="<linux/$2.h>";
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my $index=index($work, $hunt);
+ if($index<0) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: erronious asm/ include not found\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ substr($work,$index,length($hunt)) = $replace;
+ $outref->[$line] = $work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/WARNING: braces {} are not necessary for single statement blocks/) {
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my $work2 = $outref->[$line+$tail] // $inref->[$line+$tail];
+ if($tail <= 1 or
+ $work !~ m/\s*{\s*$/ or
+ $work2 !~ m/^\s*}\s*$/) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot handle single statement braces\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $work =~ s/\s*{\s*$/\n/;
+ $outref->[$line] = $work;
+ $outref->[$line+$tail] = '';
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^ERROR: that open brace { should be on the previous line/) {
+ my $work = $outref->[$line+$tail-1] // $inref->[$line+$tail-1];
+ my $work2 = $outref->[$line+$tail] // $inref->[$line+$tail];
+ if(!$tail or $work2 !~ m/^\s*\{\s*(\\?)$/) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot move open brace to previous line\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $backslash=$1;
+ if(!$backslash) {
+ $work =~ s/\s*$/ {/;
+ } else {
+ $work =~ s/\s*(\\?)$/ { \\/;
+ }
+ $outref->[$line+$tail-1] = $work;
+ $outref->[$line+$tail] = '';
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/ERROR: return is not a function, parentheses are not required/) {
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ if($tail or ($work !~ m/return\s*\((.*)\)\s*;/) or ($1 =~ m/[()]/)) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot simplify return\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $work =~ s/return\s*\((.*)\)\s*;/return $1;/;
+ $outref->[$line] = $work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^ERROR: "foo \* bar" should be "foo \*bar"/) {
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my @segments=split(/(\s+\*\s+)/, $work);
+ if($tail or (scalar(@segments)>>1 != $whref->{'tally'})) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot fix $whref->{'tally'} 'foo * bar' instances in $work {", join(":", @segments), "}\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(my $i=1; $i<scalar(@segments); $i+=2) {
+ $segments[$i] = ' *';
+ }
+ $outref->[$line] = join('', @segments);
+ $handled=$whref->{'tally'};
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/ERROR: spaces required around that '(\S+?)' \(ctx:(.x.)\)/) {
+ # the column is given to us, if the line's otherwise unmodified
+ # however, we can probably just work it out ourselves
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my $op=$1;
+ if($tail or !$whref->{'column'} or
+ ($work !~ m/(\S(\Q$op\E)\S?|\Q$op\E\S)/)) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot find '$op' without spacing\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $opstart=$-[2] // $-[1]; # = start of op
+ if(defined($2)) {
+ # have no leading space, may have trailing space
+ substr($work, $opstart, length($op)) = " $op" .
+ ((length($1)==length($op)+1) ? "" : " ");
+ } else {
+ # have leading space, can't have trailing space
+ substr($work, $opstart, length($op)) = "$op ";
+ }
+ $outref->[$line]=$work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/ERROR: space required before that '(\S+?)' \(ctx:(.)x.\)/) {
+ # the column is given to us, if the line's otherwise unmodified
+ # however, we can probably just work it out ourselves.
+ # foo==-1 will be fixed by the above correction of '=='
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my ($op, $prior)=($1,$2);
+ if($tail or !$whref->{'column'} or ($work !~ m/\S(\Q$op\E)/)
+ or ($work =~ m/\S\Q$op\E.*\S\Q$op\E/)) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot identify '$op' without spacing\n"
+ if($prior ne 'O' and !defined($outref->[$line]));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # This is fragile, naively it will separate perfectly valid a->b.
+ # Ensure that if we know we're after an operator, we don't even
+ # think about changing a->b
+ if($prior eq 'O') {
+ $work =~ s{([-*/%+=])\Q$op\E}{$1 $op} and $handled=1;
+ } else {
+ $work =~ s/(\S)\Q$op\E/$1 $op/ and $handled=1;
+ }
+ # We really should use the column info we're given.
+ $outref->[$line]=$work if($handled);
+ }
+ if($msg =~ m/^ERROR: space prohibited before that '(\S+)' \(ctx:(.x.)\)/) {
+ # the column is given to us, if the line's otherwise unmodified
+ # however, we can probably just work it out ourselves.
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my $op=$1;
+ if($tail or !$whref->{'column'} or ($work !~ m/\s+\Q$op\E/) or
+ ($work =~ m/\s+\Q$op\E.*?\s+\Q$op\E/)) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot identify '$op' with spacing\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $work =~ s/\s+\Q$op\E/$op/;
+ $outref->[$line]=$work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^ERROR: space prohibited after that '(\S+)' \(ctx:(.x.)\)/) {
+ # the column is given to us, if the line's otherwise unmodified
+ # however, we can probably just work it out ourselves.
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my $op=$1;
+ if($tail or !$whref->{'column'} or ($work !~ m/\Q$op\E\s+/) or
+ ($work =~ m/\Q$op\E\s+.*?\Q$op\E\s+/)) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot identify '$op' with spacing\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $work =~ s/\Q$op\E\s+/$op/;
+ $outref->[$line]=$work;
+ $handled=1;
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^WARNING: space prohibited before semicolon/) {
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my @segments = split(/(\s+;)/, $work);
+ if($tail or (scalar(@segments)>>1 != $whref->{'tally'})) {
+ # FIXME: Alas this fails to correct for(... ; ... ; ...)
+ # which only only one checkpatch warning.
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot fix $whref->{'tally'} semicolons"
+ . " in $work {", join(":", @segments), "}\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(my $i=1; $i<scalar(@segments); $i+=2) {
+ # Don't squish ';'s next to comment ends
+ $segments[$i] = ';' if($segments[$i-1] !~ m{\*/});
+ }
+ $outref->[$line] = join('', @segments);
+ $handled=$whref->{'tally'};
+ }
+ elsif($msg =~ m/^WARNING: space prohibited between function name and open parenthesis '\('/) {
+ my $work = $outref->[$line] // $inref->[$line];
+ my @segments = split(/(\b\s+\()/, $work);
+ # Try first, bail later
+ my $notkeyword=0;
+ for(my $i=1; $i<scalar(@segments); $i+=2) {
+ if($segments[$i-1] !~ m/\b(?:if|while|for|switch)/) {
+ $segments[$i] = '(';
+ ++$notkeyword;
+ }
+ }
+ # Did that work?
+ if($tail or ($notkeyword != $whref->{'tally'})) {
+ print STDERR "$rfn:$line: cannot fix $whref->{'tally'} function calls"
+ . " in $work {", join(":", @segments), "}\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $outref->[$line] = join('', @segments);
+ $handled=$whref->{'tally'};
+ }
+ # Purely for debugging, let's see before and after
+ if($handled) {
+ print STDERR ("CHANGED:\n");
+ for(my $i=0; $i<=$tail; ++$i) {
+ print STDERR
+ (defined($outref->[$line+$i])?"-":" ",
+ $inref->[$line+$i]);
+ }
+ for(my $i=0; $i<=$tail; ++$i) {
+ print STDERR
+ (!defined($outref->[$line+$i]) ? " $inref->[$line+$i]"
+ : !length($outref->[$line+$i]) ? ""
+ : "+$outref->[$line+$i]");
+ }
+ print("\n");
+ }
+ return $handled;
+sub process_file($)
+ my $fn=$_[0];
+ my $rfn=$aliases{$fn};
+ my @inp=(undef);
+ my @outp=(0);
+ open(FH, "<$rfn") or die("can't open $rfn");
+ while(<FH>) { push @inp, $_; }
+ close(FH);
+ my $changed=0;
+ my $aref=$files{$fn};
+ foreach my $whref (@$aref) {
+ if(!msg_is_OK($whref->{'message'})) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $tally=$whref->{'tally'};
+ while($tally>0) {
+ my $handled=handle_message($rfn, $whref, \@inp, \@outp);
+ last if (!$handled);
+ $changed+=$handled;
+ $tally-=$handled;
+ }
+ }
+ if($changed && !$dryrun) {
+ my $tmpname="$rfn.tmp.$$.bocp";
+ open(FH, ">$tmpname") or die("can't open $tmpname");
+ for(my $i=1; $i<=$#inp; ++$i) {
+ print FH ($outp[$i] // $inp[$i]);
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ if(!-s $tmpname) { die("couldn't write $tmpname"); }
+ rename($tmpname, $rfn);
+ }
+# Now actually do the work...
+foreach my $fn (@files) {
+ process_file($fn);
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