On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 11:29:52AM +0100, Laxman Dewangan wrote:+Optional properties:I don't like the wording here as it implies that an OS *must* charge the
+- ti,back-battery-charge-enable: The Palmas series device like TPS65913 or
+ TPS80036 supports the battery backup for powering the RTC when main
+ battery is removed or in very low power state. This flag will enable
+ the backup battery charging.
device, rather than that it *can* charge the device. How about:
- ti,backup-battery-chargeable: There is a chargeable backup battery
+- ti,back-battery-charge-low-current: Configure lower charging current. DeviceThis is somewhat unclear as it reads as a runtime configuration choice,
+ supports the charging current as < 100mA or >100mA. Low current will
+ set as <100mA.
rather than some instances of the device only support being changed at
low currents (as I assume is the case?). How about:
- ti,backup-battery-low-current: The backup battery is only chargeable
at currents below 100mA.
What happens if we charge at the wrong current?Not much sure but I think it can create battery damage.