Re: [PATCH 0/8] Re: [PATCH] Add per-process flag to control thp
From: Alex Thorlton
Date: Fri Aug 16 2013 - 11:04:40 EST
> This 321.equake_l thing is not public, right? Do you have anything
> that
> is public that shows the same problem?
The quake test comes from the SPEC OMP benchmarks. While I believe this
suite is available to anybody, I don't think it's free. I was given
the test by our benchmarking team, I'll have to ask them if this is
publicly available/if they know of any publicly available tests that can
reproduce the issue.
> Do you have any idea where all the extra time is spend?
I'm working on that as we speak. I was trying to eliminate the
possibility that the vclear patches would help solve the problem,
before digging any deeper. I should have some more information on
exactly where it's getting hung up in a few hours.
- Alex
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