Re: [PATCH v3 0/6] ARM/ARM64 architected timer updates
From: Sudeep KarkadaNagesha
Date: Tue Aug 20 2013 - 13:14:35 EST
On 13/08/13 18:29, Sudeep KarkadaNagesha wrote:
> From: Sudeep KarkadaNagesha <sudeep.karkadanagesha@xxxxxxx>
> This patch series adds support to configure the rate and enable the
> event stream for architected timer. The event streams can be used to
> impose a timeout on a WFE, to safeguard against any programming error
> in case an expected event is not generated or even to implement
> wfe-based timeouts for userspace locking implementations.
> Since the timer control register is reset to zero on warm boot, CPU
> PM notifier is added to re-initialize it.
> Changes v2->v3:
> 1. Moved ARM and ARM64 changes into separate patches
> 2. Added native hwcaps definations(ARM/ARM64) and compat-specific
> definitions(ARM64) to the users for the event stream feature.
Hi Catalin,
Can you review this version of the series ?
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