Re: [RFC v1 0/5] ARM: Initial support for Marvell Armada 1500
From: Thomas Petazzoni
Date: Tue Aug 27 2013 - 12:51:36 EST
Dear Sebastian Hesselbarth,
On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 18:45:45 +0200, Sebastian Hesselbarth wrote:
> > After talking a bit with engineers within Marvell that work on this
> > SoC, I'm inclined to think that using mach-mvebu for this family of SoC
> > is not a good idea.
> Thomas,
> thanks for the info below. Reading a little bit through the GPL'ed
> source, I also quickly came to the same conclusion. It is more likely
> we can reuse some stuff from other SoCs than Orion or Armada 370/XP.
Yes, many of the IP blocks are for example DesignWare IPs, or ARM IPs
in the case of the Cortex-A based variants.
> > The codename used for those Armada 1500 SOCs is "Berlin", so a name
> > like mach-berlin, or mach-mvberlin (if we want to keep 'mv' to identify
> > the founder) seems like a good name.
> I have already moved it under mach-mv88de3xxx as for now, all SoCs
> Marvell is providing as DE (Digital Entertainment) fit in that. I like
> mach-codename style more than plain numbers, maybe I rename the folder
> to mach-berlin before posting.
I also like mach-berlin a bit more than mach-mve88de3xxx, for a very
silly reason: when during a discussion you have to say mach-mv88de3xxx,
it's pretty annoying. We already have the horrible mach-mv78xx0, let's
not add more of this :)
> Speaking of "berlin", they found a 2WW bomb in my home town center today
> and are evacuating apartments. Mine too, so it looks like I'll have
> some time to prepare v2 tonight..
> > Also, to help us understand the organization of the family of SOCs, I
> > asked a few informations to Marvell, and here is what I could collect:
> >
> > """
> > BGxname CPU core codename L2 cache controller internal name
> > BG2 PJ4B Armada1500 Tauros3 MV88DE3100
> > BG2-CT Cortex-A9 N/A PL310 N/A
> > BG3 Cortex-A15 N/A CA15 integrated N/A
> > """
> >
> > As was told that the Armada X or MV88DEx names are not used during
> > development, and what Marvell is really using are the BGxx names.
> Ok, I'll add that info to Marvell SoC documentation also.
That'd be nice indeed.
Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons
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