Hi George,Obviously when I am writing a generic driver for USB VBUS-ID detetction which is via gpio then i assume I have a dedicated gpio.
In addition, I add answer about that device driver control gpio pin directly.
On 08/30/2013 03:15 PM, George Cherian wrote:Hi Chanwoo,hmm. I mentioned above my answer as following:
On 8/30/2013 5:41 AM, Chanwoo Choi wrote:Hi George,okay
On 08/29/2013 10:45 PM, George Cherian wrote:Hi Chanwoo,OK.
On 8/29/2013 5:42 PM, Chanwoo Choi wrote:
[big snip ]
Is this fine ?I tested various development board based on Samsung Exynos series SoC.okay then how about adding a flag for inverted logic too. something like this
Although some gpio of Exynos series SoC set high state(non zero, 1) as default value,
this gpio state could mean off state, disconnected or un-powered state according to gpio.
Of course, above explanation about specific gpio don't include all gpios.
This is meaning that there is possibility.
gpio_usbvid->gpio_inv = 1;
And always check on this before deciding?
But, as Stephen commented on other mail, you should use proper DT helper function.
But without reading the gpio value how can we set the cable states?It's not proper in general case. The generic driver must guarantee all of extcon device using gpio.I could'nt actually parse this. You meant since the id_irq_handler handles both USB and USB-HOST cableNo gpio-usb-id is used in dra7xx. dra7xx has got only ID pin routed via gpio.As you explained about case 1, it is only used on dra7x SoC.Second,The driver has 2 configurations.
gpio_usbvid_set_initial_state() dertermine both "USB-HOST" and "USB" cable state at same time
in 'case ID_DETCT' according to 'gpio_usbvid->id_gpio'. But, I think that other extcon devices
would not control both "USB-HOST" and "USB" cable state at same time.
Other extcon devices would support either "USB-HOST" or "USB" cable.
1) supports implementations with both VBUS and ID pin are routed via gpio's for swicthing roles(compatible gpio-usb-vid).
Other SoC could not wish to control both "USB-HOST" and "USB" cable at same time.
its not proper?
As far as I know, the generic driver cannot direclty control gpio pin and get value from gpio pin.
Almost device driver including in kernel/drivers control gpio pin on specific device driver
instead of generic driver.
>> As far as I know, the generic driver cannot direclty control gpio pin and get value from gpio pin.
>> Almost device driver including in kernel/drivers control gpio pin on specific device driver
Because your extcon driver directly control gpio pin so I think your extcon driver isn't generic.
for this driver the assumption is the dedicated gpio
Direction IN gpio.is always DIR_IN and in the driver we just read the value.What is DIR_IN?
Thanks,You mean to say that both USB ID pin and VBUS are connected to same gpio?I know your intention dividing interrupt handler for each cable.I need your answer about above my opinion for other SoC.So how about this, I have removed the dra7x specific stuffs (gpio-usb-id)
static void gpio_usbvid_set_initial_state(struct gpio_usbvid *gpio_usbvid)
int id_current, vbus_current;
id_current = gpio_get_value_cansleep(gpio_usbvid->id_gpio);
if (!!id_current == ID_FLOAT)
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB-HOST", false);
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB-HOST", true);
vbus_current = gpio_get_value_cansleep(gpio_usbvid->vbus_gpio);
if (!!vbus_current == VBUS_ON)
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB", true);
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB", false);
and the irq handlers like this
static irqreturn_t id_irq_handler(int irq, void *data)
struct gpio_usbvid *gpio_usbvid = (struct gpio_usbvid *)data;
int id_current;
id_current = gpio_get_value_cansleep(gpio_usbvid->id_gpio);
if (id_current == ID_GND)
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB-HOST", true);
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB-HOST", false);
static irqreturn_t vbus_irq_handler(int irq, void *data)
struct gpio_usbvid *gpio_usbvid = (struct gpio_usbvid *)data;
int vbus_current;
vbus_current = gpio_get_value_cansleep(gpio_usbvid->vbus_gpio);
if (vbus_current == VBUS_OFF)
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB", false);
extcon_set_cable_state(&gpio_usbvid->edev, "USB", true);
But I don't think this driver must guarantee all of extcon device using gpio.
For example,
below three SoC wish to detect USB/USB-HOST cable with each different methods.
"SoC A" wish to detect USB/USB-HOST cable through only one gpio pin.
If so that is a really bad h/w design and it will not fly.
Or, you meant that only USB ID pin is connected to single gpio and it controls the state of the USB/USB-HOST cables?
If so thats what exactly the v3 driver did with compatible gpio-usb-id.
"SoC B" wish to detect USB/USB-HOST cable through ADC value instead of gpio pin.Via ADC this driver should never be used , it should be extcon-adc-usbvid driver and not extcon-gpio-usbvid driver."SoC C" wish to detect USB/USB-HOST cable through two gpio pin because USB connected on gpio an USB-HOST connected on another.Whatever modifications above should meet this need in combination with named gpios (id_gpio and vbus_gpio in dt)as stephen pointed.
But still i feel the above modification would even support Soc A provided the code registered for the notifier could handle it properly.
In addition,Yes definitely, those register configuration should not be part of this driver and it should be done in the notifier handler.
if "SoC A/C" wish to write some data to own specific registers for proper opeating,
Could we write some data to register on generic driver?
Finally,Correct me If I am wrong, USB JIG is not a standard cable. so for supporting that anyways you need to have
"SoC D" wish to detect USB/USB-HOST/JIG cable through two gpio pin
a different driver.
- one gpio may detect either USB or USB-HOST and another may detect JIG cableI assume u meant the USB ID pin is connected to one gpio and based on it value USB/USB-HOST is detected.or one gpio may detect either USb or JIG and another may detect USB-HOST cable.As I mentioned earlier these are gpios configured as input and if you try to drive with 2 sources (USB and JIG or USB and USB-HOST etc)
then its a potentially bad design . If at all we need to identify all 3 then there should be 3 dedicated gpios.
That way, there are many cases we cannot guarantee all of extcon devices.I am sorry, I feel it supports all standard cases except for something like a JIG cable which is not standard.
I think this driver could support dra7x series SoC but as I mentioned,
this driver may not guarantee all of cases.
Yes I agree and should be done by the subscriber to the notifier.[snip]I commented above about your modification.Do you still feel its dra7x specific if i modify it as above?As you mentioned, we cannot only control either USB or USB-HOST cable on this extcon driver.I have some confusion. I need additional your explanation.If compatible == ID_DETECT, only one handler --> id_irq_handler() and it will handle both USB and USB-HOST
Could this driver register only one interrupt handler either id_irq_handler() or vbus_irq_handler()?
orIf compatible == VBUS_ID_DETECT, 2 handlers --> id_irq_handler() will handle USB-HOST and vbus_irq_handler will handle USB.
Could this driver register two interrupt handler both id_irq_handler() or vbus_irq_handler()?
This extcon driver is only suitable dra7x SoC.
The setting order should be removed in generic driver.Because id_irq_handler() control both "USB-HOST" and "USB" cable at same time,So if i remove that part then?
you need this setting order between "USB-HOST" and "USB" cable.
yesI think that the setting order between cables isn't general. It is specific method for dra7x SoC.Thanks,okayIt isn't general.Did you think that SoC should always connect either "USB-HOST" cable or "USB" cable?No, even if a physical cable is not connected it should default to either USB-HOST or USB
If physical cable isn't connected to extcon device, the state both USB-HOST and USB cable
should certainly be zero. Because The extcon consumer driver could set proper operation
according to cable state.
Hope i could answer you :-)I need your answer about above my opinion.I don't know this case except for dra7x SoC. So, I think it has dependency on specific SoC.and can't agree as generic extcon gpio driver.
Chanwoo Choi
Chanwoo Choi