Re: [Suggestion] arc: compiler: bug: about an arc compiler's bugwhich is not in gcc main source code.
From: Chen Gang
Date: Mon Sep 23 2013 - 02:54:51 EST
On 09/23/2013 02:39 PM, Vineet Gupta wrote:
> Hi Chen,
> Thanks for the problem report. Please note that we have moved on to gcc 4.8 based
> tool-chain so I would suggest you switch over to it too (4.4 support is really
> phased out).
> With current 4.8 tools, I don't see the error you report.
> Please use the arc-4.8-dev branch of toolchain repo on github for building the
> tools, assuming that is where you got the sources for 4.4 tools too.
OK, thanks, I should try 4.8. :-)
> Jeremy, Claudiu, Joern maintain the gcc and rest of GNU toolchain ports for ARC so
> please add them to any future posting on toolchain issues.
Thank you very much for your information.
> Thx,
> -Vineet
Chen Gang
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