On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Zach Brown <zab@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think either buffering or async is needed to get good perforrmaceBut I'm not sure it's worth the effort; 99% of the use of thisAnd perhaps we don't. Perhaps we can provide this much simpler
interface will be copying whole files. And for that perhaps we need a
different API, one which has been discussed some time ago:
asynchronous copyfile() returns immediately with a pollable event
descriptor indicating copy progress, and some way to cancel the copy.
And that can internally rely on ->direct_splice(), with appropriate
algorithms for determine the optimal chunk size.
data-plane interface that works well enough for most everyone and can
avoid going down the async rat hole, yet again.
without too much complexity in the app (which is not good). Buffering
works quite well for regular I/O, so maybe its the way to go here as