Re: [PATCH] perf auto-dep: Speed up feature tests by building themin parallel
From: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
Date: Mon Sep 30 2013 - 13:39:29 EST
Em Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 02:36:27PM -0300, Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo escreveu:
> Another suggestion: To provide a short sentence with each feature
> stating what will be not present when something is "OFF", or even a
> sentence stating what the feature is about, so the user get a better
> picture of what is (not) being built into his tool.
> Probably reusing strings we already have in the makefiles.
And also reusing existing strings to tell the user which devel packages
should be installed to get that feature built/enabled.
- Arnaldo
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