Aw: 3.12-rc5 and overwritten partition table - by powertop?
From: John Twideldum
Date: Tue Oct 29 2013 - 10:58:01 EST
replying to myself with more insights...
>0000000 13.00000\nalsa:hw
>0000020 C0D0\t99.00000\nal
>0000040 sa:hwC0D3\t99.000
>0000060 00\nbacklight:acp
The first ~170kb of /dev/sda got blown away with what seems to be a logging output
by Powertop, when I was playing with the tuneables.
(Luckily the first partition starts later :-))
Why is that I don't know, but maybe when turning on the SATA knobs
something goes wrong. I'm afraid to try again, but I accept rather higher
power use than data loss again :-/
Sorry for the confusion...
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