Re: [PATCH] pinctrl: provide documentation pointer
From: Stephen Warren
Date: Mon Nov 25 2013 - 12:18:10 EST
On 11/25/2013 07:45 AM, Linus Walleij wrote:
> The PIN_CONFIG_OUTPUT parameter is really tricky to understand
> and needs an explicit pointer to the documentation.
> diff --git a/include/linux/pinctrl/pinconf-generic.h b/include/linux/pinctrl/pinconf-generic.h
> * @PIN_CONFIG_OUTPUT: this will configure the pin in output, use argument
Well, while you're touching that...
s/in/as an/ s/, use/. Use/
> - * 1 to indicate high level, argument 0 to indicate low level.
> + * 1 to indicate high level, argument 0 to indicate low level. (Please
> + * Documentation/pinctrl.txt, section "GPIO mode pitfalls" for a
Add "see" to the start of that line.
> + * discussion around this parameter.)
(no need to resend to fix that, from my side at least)
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