Re: [PATCH 3/3] ARM: tegra: set SM2 voltage correct
From: Stefan Agner
Date: Wed Nov 27 2013 - 06:01:32 EST
Hi Lucas,
Am 2013-11-27 10:59, schrieb Lucas Stach:
> This isn't a global Tegra change, but very specific to the Colibri, so
> please reword your commit headline to reflect that.
Agree, will do that.
> Also there are other issues with the regulator setup on Colibri, I sent
> a patch for this a good while ago, but didn't come around to revise it
> until now. So if you are going to touch things here, please look up that
> patch and fold it into this one.
I guess you refer to this patchset:
Ok, I will fold patch 4 into my patchset. Not sure whether I should add
patch 3 (ULPI phy on Colibri T20) as well, since this one is somewhat
> I'll take a look at the other patches later today.
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