Re: [PATCH 4/6 v2] crypto:s5p-sss: Kconfig: Let Exynos SoCs selectSSS driver
From: Sachin Kamat
Date: Thu Jan 09 2014 - 04:29:35 EST
Hi Naveen,
On 9 January 2014 10:29, Naveen Krishna Chatradhi <ch.naveen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: Naveen Krishna Ch <ch.naveen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> This patch modifies Kconfig such that ARCH_EXYNOS SoCs
> which includes (Exynos4210, Exynos5250 and Exynos5420)
> can also select Samsung SSS(Security SubSystem) driver.
What about Exynos4x12 and 5440 as they too come under ARCH_EXYNOS?
With warm regards,
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