Re: [RFC PATCH] sched: select_idle_sibling macro optimize
From: Michael wang
Date: Thu Jan 16 2014 - 22:15:51 EST
On 01/17/2014 10:14 AM, Alex Shi wrote:
>> When is that gonna happen?
> I had seen this in a Intel platform, you may have both CPU domain and MC
> domain layer, because the domain flag is different, then they can not be
> merged. and then the CPU domain just has one group.
CPU and MC are different domains, isn't it?
General should like:
CPU cpu0 cpu1
MC core0 core1 core0 core1
SMT cpu 0 cpu 1 cpu 2 cpu 3 cpu 4 cpu 5 cpu 6 cpu 7
So for cpu0:
CPU sg0:cpu0,1,2,3 sg1:cpu4,5,6,7
MC sg0:cpu0,1 sg1:cpu2,3
SMT sg0:cpu0 sg1:cpu1
If one domain only have one group, that's sounds really a weird topology...
Michael Wang
>> -Mike
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