On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Greg Kroah-Hartman
<gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ray, Josh, can I get some more information about this? Is this brokenI don't think it's a problem with the backport specifically. To be
in Linus's tree? Or did I get the backport wrong here?
honest, i'm not even 100% sure it is that patch. It was just the only
patch that touched that code recently so it seemed likely. I didn't
do builds to check for sure.
What is the value of the file before and after this patch?"tty0" in the past and "tty1" now
And what is plymouth doing with this file value, it was incorrectSee the other (3.11) thread for my initial message, but basically
before, what was it using the value for?
plymouth had code something like this pseudocode:
/* disable splash if there are serial consoles */
if (!contents_of_file_equals("/sys/class/tty/console/active", "tty0")) {
since the file started saying tty1 that code started disabling the
splash for everyone in rawhide.