Re: [PATCH v2 00/12] scsi/NCR5380: fix debugging macros and #include structure
From: Michael Schmitz
Date: Wed Apr 30 2014 - 03:45:38 EST
Hi James,
Perhaps Michael and Sam would be interested in sharing the role, for atari
and sun3 NCR5380 drivers (?)
If you insist ...
(kidding - I"m OK with it if James thinks it's worth it)
As long as you understand how it works and how to fix it, the more the
merrier. It gives me more people to yell at if something goes wrong
with the driver.
I used to have a fair understanding of the Atari driver years back -
just need to get my head around all the midlevel and error handling
changes since.
You'll be yelling at me regarding any breakage in the Atari NCR5380
driver anyway in the end - count me in.
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