MSGMNB and MSGMAX: good default values?

From: Manfred Spraul
Date: Sat May 31 2014 - 13:54:47 EST

Hi all,

until now, every sysadmin/distro had to update the sysv limits.
For shm, the new proposal is to increase the limits to (nearly) ULONG_MAX.

Right now, I try to create patches that also increase the limits for sysv msg, but I got stuck:

- MSGMNI is trivial, just increase it to nearly IPCMNI.

- MSGMNB is not an upper limit, it is actually the default amount of data that can be stored in a message queue before senders must sleep.
Since Linux-0.99.10, it always was 16384.

A websearch shows that for both db2 and oracle, the recommendation is 65536.

It seems that redhat has increased the value to 65536:

Tuxedo seems to use sysv messages and the documentation warns that too large values are harmfull:

- MSGMAX: Same issue as above: it was slightly below 4096 and since 2.6 it is 8192.

Any proposals?
Right now, I would leave MSGMAX and MSGMNB as they are.

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