Re: Interactivity regression since v3.11 in mm/vmscan.c

From: Michal Hocko
Date: Fri Jun 06 2014 - 05:16:31 EST

On Thu 05-06-14 09:00:10, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Michal Hocko <mhocko@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Thu 05-06-14 06:33:40, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> >> For a while I've noticed that my machine bogs down in certain
> >> situations, usually while doing heavy I/O operations, it is not just the
> >> I/O operations, but everything, including the graphical interface, even
> >> the mouse pointer.
> >>
> >> As far as I can recall this did not happen in the past.
> >>
> >> I noticed this specially on certain operations, for example updating a
> >> a game on Steam (to an exteranl USB 3.0 device), or copying TV episodes
> >> to a USB memory stick (probably flash-based).
> >
> > We had a similar report for opensuse. The common part was that there was
> > an IO to a slow USB device going on.
> Well, it's a USB 3.0 device, I can write at 250 MB/s, so it's not
> really that slow.
> And in fact, when I read and write to and from the same USB 3.0
> device, I don't see the issue.
> >> Then I went back to the latest stable version (v3.14.5), and commented
> >> out the line I think is causing the slow down:
> >>
> >> if (nr_unqueued_dirty == nr_taken || nr_immediate)
> >> congestion_wait(BLK_RW_ASYNC, HZ/10);
> >
> > Yes, I came to the same check. I didn't have any confirmation yet so
> > thanks for your confirmation. I've suggested to reduce this
> > congestion_wait only to kswapd:
> > diff --git a/mm/vmscan.c b/mm/vmscan.c
> > index 32c661d66a45..ef6a1c0e788c 100644
> > --- a/mm/vmscan.c
> > +++ b/mm/vmscan.c
> > @@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ shrink_inactive_list(unsigned long nr_to_scan, struct lruvec *lruvec,
> > * implies that pages are cycling through the LRU faster than
> > * they are written so also forcibly stall.
> > */
> > - if (nr_unqueued_dirty == nr_taken || nr_immediate)
> > + if ((nr_unqueued_dirty == nr_taken || nr_immediate) && current_is_kswapd())
> > congestion_wait(BLK_RW_ASYNC, HZ/10);
> > }
> Unfortunately that doesn't fix the issue for me.

That is really interesting. So removing the test completely helps but
reducing it to kswapd doesn't. I would expect stalls coming from direct
reclaimers not the kswapd.

Mel has a nice systemtap script (attached) to watch for stalls. Maybe
you can give it a try?

Michal Hocko
# This script is a combined perl and systemtap script to collect information
# on a system stalling in writeback. Ordinarily, one would expect that all
# information be collected in a STAP script. Unfortunately, in practice the
# stack unwinder in systemtap may not work with a current kernel version,
# have trouble collecting all the data necessary or some other oddities.
# Hence this hack. A systemtap script is run and as it records interesting
# events, the remaining information is collected from the script. This means
# that the data is *never* exact but can be better than nothing and easier
# than a fully manual check
# Copyright Mel Gorman <mgorman@xxxxxxx> 2011

use File::Temp qw/mkstemp/;
use File::Find;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

my @trace_functions = (
# "get_request_wait" is now special cased unfortunately

my @completion_functions=(

my @trace_conditional = (

# Information on each stall is gathered and stored in a hash table for
# dumping later. Define some constants for the table lookup to avoid
# blinding headaches
use constant VMSTAT_AT_STALL => 0;
use constant VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE => 1;
use constant BLOCKSTAT_AT_STALL => 2;
use constant BLOCKSTAT_AT_COMPLETE => 3;
use constant PROCNAME => 4;
use constant STACKTRACE => 5;
use constant STALLFUNCTION => 6;

use constant NR_WRITEBACK => 0;
use constant NR_DIRTY => 2;
use constant VMSCAN_WRITE => 1;

sub usage() {
print("In general, this script is not supported and that includes help.\n");

# Option variables
my $opt_help;
my $opt_output;
my $opt_stapout;
my $opt_accurate_stall = 1;
my $opt_accurate_stack = 0;
'help|h' => \$opt_help,
'output|o=s' => \$opt_output,
'stapout|s=s' => \$opt_stapout,
'accurate-stack|a' => \$opt_accurate_stack,
'accurate-stall|a' => \$opt_accurate_stall,

usage() if $opt_help;
if ($opt_output) {
open(OUTPUT, ">$opt_output") || die("Failed to open $opt_output for writing");
if ($opt_stapout) {
open(OUTPUT, ">$opt_stapout") || die("Failed to open $opt_stapout for writing");

if ($opt_accurate_stack) {
$opt_accurate_stall = 0;
if ($opt_accurate_stall) {
$opt_accurate_stack = 0;

# Handle cleanup of temp files
my $stappid;
my ($handle, $stapscript) = mkstemp("/tmp/stapdXXXXX");
sub cleanup {
if (defined($stappid)) {
kill INT => $stappid;
if (defined($opt_output)) {
sub sigint_handler {
$SIG{INT} = "sigint_handler";

# Build a list of stat files to read. Obviously this is not great if device
# hotplug occurs but that is not expected for the moment and this is lighter
# than running find every time
my @block_iostat_files;
sub d {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
return if $file eq "/sys/block";
push(@block_iostat_files, "$file/stat");
find(\&d, ("/sys/block/"));

# Read the current stack of a given pid
sub read_stacktrace($) {
open(STACK, "/proc/$_[0]/stack") || return "Stack unavailable";
my $stack = do {
local $/;
return $stack;

# Read information of relevant from /proc/vmstat
sub read_vmstat {
if (!open(VMSTAT, "/proc/vmstat")) {
die("Failed to read /proc/vmstat");

my $vmstat;
my ($key, $value);
my @values;
while (!eof(VMSTAT)) {
$vmstat = <VMSTAT>;
($key, $value) = split(/\s+/, $vmstat);

if ($key eq "nr_writeback") {
$values[NR_WRITEBACK] = $value;
if ($key eq "nr_dirty") {
$values[NR_DIRTY] = $value;
if ($key eq "nr_vmscan_write") {
$values[VMSCAN_WRITE] = $value;

return \@values;

# Read information from all /sys/block stat files
sub read_blockstat($) {
my $prefix = $_[0];
my $stat;
my $ret;

foreach $stat (@block_iostat_files) {
if (open(STAT, $stat)) {
$ret .= sprintf "%s%20s %s", $prefix, $stat, <STAT>;
return $ret;

# Record a line of output
sub log_output {
if (defined($opt_output)) {
print OUTPUT @_;
print @_;

sub log_printf {
if (defined($opt_output)) {
printf OUTPUT @_;
printf @_;

sub log_stap {
if (defined($opt_stapout)) {
print OUTPUT @_;

# Crude as hell, do not really care
my %found_alts;
sub search_kallsyms {
my @search_symbols = @_;

# Read kernel symbols and add conditional trace functions if they exist
open(KALLSYMS, "/proc/kallsyms") || die("Failed to open /proc/kallsyms");
while (<KALLSYMS>) {
my ($dummy, $dummy, $symbol) = split(/\s+/, $_);
my $conditional;
if ($symbol eq "get_request_wait" || $symbol eq "shrink_zone") {
push(@trace_functions, $symbol);
$found_alts{$symbol} = 1;
foreach $conditional (@search_symbols) {
if ($symbol eq $conditional) {
push(@trace_functions, $symbol);
if ($found_alts{"get_request_wait"} != 1) {
push(@trace_functions, "get_request");

if ($found_alts{"shrink_zone"} != 1) {
my @alt_shrinks = ("shrink_zones",

# Extract the framework script and fill in the rest
open(SELF, "$0") || die("Failed to open running script");
while (<SELF>) {
if ($_ ne "__END__") {
while (<SELF>) {
print $handle $_;
foreach(@trace_functions) {
print $handle "probe kprobe.function(\"$_\")
delete stalled[t]

if ($opt_accurate_stall) {
# In an ideal world, we would always use a retprobe to catch exactly when
# the function exited and get a stall time from it. Unfortunately, it mangles
# the stack trace so we have the option of either accurately tracking stalls
# or accurately tracking stacks
foreach(@trace_functions) {
print $handle "probe kprobe.function(\"$_\").return

if ([t] in stalled) {
stall_time = time() - stalled_at[t]
printf(\"C %d (%s) %d %s %s\\n\", t, name[t], stall_time, time_units, where[t])

delete stalled[t]
delete name[t]
delete stalled_at[t]
delete where[t]
} else {
# Alternatively, we try to catch when a stall completes by probing
# commonly used functions and guessing that when they are called
# that the operation completed
foreach(@completion_functions) {
print $handle "probe kprobe.function(\"$_\").return

if ([t] in stalled) {
stall_time = time() - stalled_at[t]
printf(\"C %d (%s) %d %s %s\\n\", t, name[t], stall_time, time_units, where[t])

delete stalled[t]
delete name[t]
delete stalled_at[t]
delete where[t]


# Contact
$stappid = open(STAP, "stap $stapscript|");
if (!defined($stappid)) {
die("Failed to execute stap script");

# Collect information until interrupted
my %stalled;
while (1) {
if (eof(STAP)) {
die("Unexpected exit of STAP script");

my $input = <STAP>;
if ($input !~ /([CS]) ([0-9]*) \((.*)\) ([0-9]*) ms (.*)/) {
die("Failed to parse input from stap script\n");

my $event = $1;
my $pid = $2;
my $name = $3;
my $stalled = $4;
my $where = $5;
my $recursed = 0;

# Check if we have recursively stalled. This is "impossible" but unless
# we are using kretprobes, we cannot reliable catch when stalls complete
if (defined($stalled{$pid}->{NAME}) && $event eq "S") {
$recursed = 1;
if ($opt_accurate_stall) {
print("Apparently recursing, missing kretprobes.\n");
print("Process: $pid ($name)\n");
print("Stalled: " . $stalled{$pid}->{STALLFUNCTION} . "\n");
print("Stalling: $where\n");

# Record information related to stalls.
if ($event eq "C" || $recursed) {
if ($name ne $stalled{$pid}->{NAME}) {
die("Processes are changing their identity.");
if ($where ne $stalled{$pid}->{STALLFUNCTION}) {
$recursed = 1;
if ($opt_accurate_stall) {
die("The stalling function teleported.");

# Do not event pretend the stall time is accurate
if ($recursed) {
$stalled = -1;

$stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE} = read_vmstat();
$stalled{$pid}->{BLOCKSTAT_AT_COMPLETE} = read_blockstat("+");
my $delta_writeback = $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE}[NR_WRITEBACK] - $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL}[NR_WRITEBACK];
my $delta_dirty = $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE}[NR_DIRTY] - $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL}[NR_DIRTY];
my $delta_vmscan_write = $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE}[VMSCAN_WRITE] - $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL}[VMSCAN_WRITE];

# Blind stab in the dark as to what is going on
my $status;
if ($where eq "balance_dirty_pages") {
$status = "DirtyThrottled";
} else {
$status = "IO";
if ($delta_writeback < 0) {
$status = "${status}_WritebackInProgress";
if ($delta_writeback > 0) {
$status = "${status}_WritebackSlow";

log_output("time " . time() . ": $pid ($name) Stalled: $stalled ms: $where\n");
log_output("Guessing: $status\n");
log_printf("-%-15s %12d\n", "nr_dirty", $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL}[NR_DIRTY]);
log_printf("-%-15s %12d\n", "nr_writeback", $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL}[NR_WRITEBACK]);
log_printf("-%-15s %12d\n", "nr_vmscan_write", $stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL}[VMSCAN_WRITE]);
log_printf("%s", $stalled{$pid}->{BLOCKSTAT_AT_STALL});
log_printf("+%-15s %12d %12d\n", "nr_dirty",
$stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE}[NR_DIRTY], $delta_dirty);
log_printf("+%-15s %12d %12d\n", "nr_writeback",
$stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_COMPLETE}[NR_WRITEBACK], $delta_writeback);
log_printf("+%-15s %12d %12d\n", "nr_vmscan_write",
log_printf("%s", $stalled{$pid}->{BLOCKSTAT_AT_COMPLETE});


if ($event eq "S") {
$stalled{$pid}->{NAME} = $name;
$stalled{$pid}->{STACKTRACE} = read_stacktrace($pid);
$stalled{$pid}->{VMSTAT_AT_STALL} = read_vmstat();
$stalled{$pid}->{BLOCKSTAT_AT_STALL} = read_blockstat("-");
$stalled{$pid}->{STALLFUNCTION} = $where;

function time () { return gettimeofday_ms() }
global stall_threshold = 1000
global time_units = "ms"
global name, stalled_at, stalled, where

probe timer.profile {
foreach (tid+ in stalled_at) {
if ([tid] in stalled) continue

stall_time = time() - stalled_at[tid]
if (stall_time >= stall_threshold) {
printf ("S %d (%s) %d %s %s\n", tid, name[tid], stall_time, time_units, where[tid])
stalled[tid] = 1 # defer further reports to wakeup