Proposal to realize hot-add *several sections one time*

From: Zhang Zhen
Date: Wed Jun 11 2014 - 05:13:41 EST


Now we can hot-add memory by

% echo start_address_of_new_memory > /sys/devices/system/memory/probe

Then, [start_address_of_new_memory, start_address_of_new_memory +
memory_block_size] memory range is hot-added.

But we can only hot-add *one section one time* by this way.
Whether we can add an argument on behalf of the count of the sections to add ?
So we can can hot-add *several sections one time*. Just like:

% echo start_address_of_new_memory count_of_sections > /sys/devices/system/memory/probe

Then, [start_address_of_new_memory, start_address_of_new_memory +
count_of_sections * memory_block_size] memory range is hot-added.

If this proposal is reasonable, i will send a patch to realize it.

Any suggestions ?

Best regards.

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