Re: [PATCH v2 00/11] ARM: dts: zynq: Prepare Parallella
From: Andreas FÃrber
Date: Fri Jul 25 2014 - 06:05:22 EST
Hi Punnaiah,
Am 25.07.2014 05:49, schrieb Punnaiah Choudary Kalluri:
>> Punnaiah Choudary Kalluri had recently proposed to extend the Chipidea
>> USB driver for Zynq; it kept complaining about the PHY though, and I
>> haven't spotted a revised version based on the generic driver yet.
> The plan is, go with generic chip idea driver which is currently under review.
> So, please wait some more time for extending the Chip idea driver support
> to zynq.
Thanks, I did understand that from the Patchwork link. I was however
wondering whether you already have some work branch based on Antoine
TÃnart's series that you could share?
When we get HDMI working, a USB keyboard will come very handy. ;)
Otherwise, could you please take a look at my branch and let me know
whether I'm doing something fundamentally wrong in wiring your old
driver up in my DT? I did not see any .dts example doing so.
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