Re: [PATCH] tcp: don't require root to read tcp_metrics

From: Sergei Shtylyov
Date: Wed Jul 30 2014 - 13:38:32 EST


On 07/30/2014 09:13 PM, Debabrata Banerjee wrote:

commit d23ff701643a4a725e2c7a8ba2d567d39daa29ea introduced netlink support for

Please also specify that commit's summary line in parens.

the new tcp_metrics, however it restricted getting of tcp_metrics to root user
only. This is a change from how these values could have been fetched when in
the old route cache. Unless there's a legitimate reason to restrict the reading
of these values it would be better if normal users could fetch them.

Cc: Julian Anastasov <ja@xxxxxx>
Cc: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You need to sign off on the patch, else it couldn't be applied.

WBR, Sergei

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