Re: [request for help] tty: serial: kgdb: fix msm_serial for kgdb

From: Stephen Boyd
Date: Tue Aug 05 2014 - 15:22:51 EST

On 08/04/14 19:09, Frank Rowand wrote:
> On 8/4/2014 6:33 PM, Stephen Boyd wrote:
>> On 08/04/14 17:59, Frank Rowand wrote:
>>> Stephen,
>>> I made some changes to drivers/tty/serial/msm_serial.c to allow kgdb
>>> to work with the dragon board (which has a qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.4 serial
>>> port).
>>> I will reply to this email with the patches.
>>> With these fixes, kgdb properly communicates with the dragon board, but
>>> following the continue command, the serial driver does not get any stale
>>> (UART_IMR_RXSTALE) interrupts until 48 characters have been read, which
>>> triggers a high water interrupt. After the high water interrupt has been
>>> processed, the driver resumes properly getting stale interrupts.
>>> I am hoping you can help me figure out how to get the stale interrupt to
>>> occur for the first character after gdb continues, instead of having to
>>> first get a high water interrupt.
>>> Patch 2 adds a framework to fix up the state of the driver and/or hardware
>>> after gdb continues. Patch 3 is a series of experiments trying to fix
>>> things up for msm_serial. I don't have complete documentation and
>>> understanding of the hardware, so some of the experiments might be less
>>> than intelligent.
>>> Can you give me some suggestions of What should I be doing in the fix up
>>> function?
>> Hmm... I've never gotten the serial console to come back after
>> continuing because I only have one serial port and I use it for the
>> console so switching it into kgdb makes me lose the console. How do you
>> work around this? Use adb shell?
> I use kdmx2 to share the host serial port between gdb for kgdb and minicom
> for the console input and output. I had to update kdmx2 to work in my
> environment. You can download it from:
> Whenever that link is updated, the new link can be found at:

Cool. Thanks for the pointer.

>> I think the big problem is
>> in msm_poll_init() which forces the uart into single character mode.
> Yep, most of my fixes deal with the fact that in single character mode
> echo fifo word only contains a single character of data. All of that
> works now. So my only problem is not getting a stale interrupt until
> after I've gotten a high water interrupt.
>> That causes all sorts of problems but is required to make the get_char
>> stuff work cleanly. I really wanted the msm_poll_get_char_dm_1p3() to
>> work for the 1.4 version of the hardware but I guess they made the
>> hardware different again for some unknown reason so it doesn't work. I
>> never got around to figuring it out or talking to the hardware people.
>> It took a while to develop the 1p3 version of the get_char code because
>> of the "fifo" centric design.
>> Do you know if that 1p3 version of the code works for you on 1.3
>> hardware? Just curious if that actually has the same bugs or not. I
>> probably won't have much time to look at this anytime soon, but I'll try
>> and send an email off to the hardware designers to figure out a way to
>> avoid switching the mode.
> I don't have any 1.3 hardware on my desk. I'll have to see if I can find
> some when I get a chance. I did try telling the driver that I was using
> 1.3 hardware even though it is 1.4; I had to make some changes to
> msm_poll_get_char_dm_1p3() to make it kind of sort of work, but not well.
> Instead of spending more time on that I just went back to making the single
> character mode work.

I tried it and it doesn't work either. Typing lots of characters finally
unjams it like you see on 1.4 hardware.

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