Re: [PATCH 0/24] Introduce ff-memless-next as an improved replacement for ff-memless
From: Ghislain Bourgeois
Date: Mon Sep 29 2014 - 14:52:33 EST
> ff-memless-next (MLNX) is a largely improved version of the current ff-memless
> (FFML) driver. MLNX supports all force feedback effects currently available in
> the Linux force feedback userspace API. All effects are handled in accordance
> with Microsoft's DirectInput/XInput.
I have been testing for a while using a Logitech DFGT (hid-lg4ff) with success.
All force feedback was working properly and I had no issues.
tested-by: Ghislain Bourgeois <ghislain.bourgeois [at] gmail>
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