[PATCH] pinctrl: alter device tree bindings for functions
From: Linus Walleij
Date: Tue Sep 30 2014 - 03:15:38 EST
For function and group configuration nodes, use "function"
"groups" string pairs, not "pins" where there should be
Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@xxxxxxxxxx>
.../bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt | 39 ++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt
index fa40a177164c..4f5a0c3af8b9 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt
@@ -127,6 +127,24 @@ whether there is any interaction between the child and intermediate parent
nodes, is again defined entirely by the binding for the individual pin
controller device.
+== Generic pin multiplexing node content ==
+pin multiplexing nodes:
+function - the mux function to select
+groups - the list of groups to select with this function
+state_0_node_a {
+ function = "uart0";
+ groups = "u0rxtx", "u0rtscts";
+state_1_node_a {
+ function = "spi0";
+ groups = "spi0pins";
== Generic pin configuration node content ==
Many data items that are represented in a pin configuration node are common
@@ -140,7 +158,6 @@ Supported generic properties are:
pins - the list of pins that properties in the node
apply to
-function - the mux function to select
bias-disable - disable any pin bias
bias-high-impedance - high impedance mode ("third-state", "floating")
bias-bus-hold - latch weakly
@@ -163,6 +180,17 @@ output-low - set the pin to output mode with low level
output-high - set the pin to output mode with high level
slew-rate - set the slew rate
+For example:
+state_0_node_a {
+ pins = "GPIO0_AJ5", "GPIO2_AH4"; /* CTS+RXD */
+ bias-pull-up;
+state_1_node_a {
+ pins = "GPIO1_AJ3", "GPIO3_AH3"; /* RTS+TXD */
+ output-high;
Some of the generic properties take arguments. For those that do, the
arguments are described below.
@@ -170,15 +198,6 @@ arguments are described below.
binding for the hardware defines:
- Whether the entries are integers or strings, and their meaning.
-- function takes a list of function names/IDs as a required argument. The
- specific binding for the hardware defines:
- - Whether the entries are integers or strings, and their meaning.
- - Whether only a single entry is allowed (which is applied to all entries
- in the pins property), or whether there may alternatively be one entry per
- entry in the pins property, in which case the list lengths must match, and
- for each list index i, the function at list index i is applied to the pin
- at list index i.
- bias-pull-up, -down and -pin-default take as optional argument on hardware
supporting it the pull strength in Ohm. bias-disable will disable the pull.
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