[PATCH 1/2] mmc: mxcmmc: fix race condition when dma finish a data transfer
From: Matteo Facchinetti
Date: Tue Sep 30 2014 - 11:10:24 EST
From: Matteo Facchinetti <matteo.facchinetti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
During a read of data block using dma, driver might have two ways to finish to read
and free the resources:
1) checking STATUS_DATA_TRANS_DONE mask, in the mxcmci_irq() routine
(pending to mmc irq)
2) mxmmc driver, registers also a mxcmci_dma_callback() and when transfer is finished,
dma driver calls this callback. (pending to dma irq)
Both ways are concurrent with each other.
Race condition happens when following events occur:
/* (1) mxcmci driver start data transfer */
158.418970: mpc_dma_execute: mpc_dma_execute(): will_access_peripheral start cid=31
158.418976: mpc_dma_issue_pending <-mxcmci_request
158.418983: mxcmci_start_cmd <-mxcmci_request
/* (2) mxcmci driver receive mmc irq */
158.419656: mxcmci_irq <-handle_irq_event_percpu
158.419692: mxcmci_read_response <-mxcmci_irq
/* (3) mxcmci driver checks that transfer is complete and call mxcmci_finish_data() */
158.419726: mxcmci_data_done <-mxcmci_irq
158.419729: mxcmci_finish_data <-mxcmci_data_done
158.419733: dma_direct_unmap_sg <-mxcmci_finish_data
158.419736: mxcmci_swap_buffers.isra.24 <-mxcmci_finish_data
158.419762: mxcmci_read_response <-mxcmci_data_done
/* (4) mxcmci driver (no dma): send stop command */
158.419765: mxcmci_start_cmd <-mxcmci_data_done
/* (5) mxcmci driver (no dma): receive the stop command irq response */
158.419782: mxcmci_irq <-handle_irq_event_percpu
158.419812: mxcmci_read_response <-mxcmci_irq
158.419843: mxcmci_finish_request <-mxcmci_irq
/* (6) dma driver: receive dma irq (finish data transfer) related by request on step 1 */
158.419853: mpc_dma_irq <-handle_irq_event_percpu
158.420001: mpc_dma_irq_process <-mpc_dma_irq
158.420004: mpc_dma_irq_process <-mpc_dma_irq
/* (7) dma driver: start dma tasklet to finish the dma irq handling */
158.420008: mpc_dma_irq_process: mpc_dma_irq_process(): completed ch:31
/* (8) mxcmci driver: start next data transfer using dma */
158.420174: mxcmci_request <-mmc_start_req
158.420182: dma_direct_map_sg <-mxcmci_request
158.420192: mpc_dma_prep_slave_sg <-mxcmci_request
/* (9) dma driver: schedule irq tasklet and execute mxcmci dma driver callback */
158.420250: mpc_dma_tasklet <-tasklet_action
158.420254: mpc_dma_process_completed <-tasklet_action
158.420267: mxcmci_dma_callback <-mpc_dma_process_completed
/* ERROR!!! (10) mxcmci driver callback works on dma data related to the step 1
that is already finished */
158.420271: mxcmci_data_done <-mpc_dma_process_completed
158.420273: mxcmci_finish_data <-mxcmci_data_done
/* ERROR!!! (11) mxcmci driver: clear data that should be used by step 8 and
send an other mmc stop command (already sended on step 4) */
158.420276: dma_direct_unmap_sg <-mxcmci_finish_data
158.420279: mxcmci_swap_buffers.isra.24 <-mxcmci_finish_data
158.420330: mxcmci_read_response <-mxcmci_data_done
158.420333: mxcmci_start_cmd <-mxcmci_data_done
158.420338: dma_run_dependencies <-mpc_dma_process_completed
168.474223: mxcmci_watchdog <-call_timer_fn
168.474236: mxcmci_watchdog: mxcmci_watchdog
168.474397: mpc_dma_device_control <-mxcmci_watchdog
In accordance with the other drivers that using the dma engine,
fix it, leaving *only* to dma driver the complete control to
ending the read operation.
Removing STATUS_READ_OP_DONE event activation, has as effect
to force mxcmci driver to handle the finish data transfer only
by mxcmci dma callback.
Signed-off-by: Matteo Facchinetti <matteo.facchinetti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/mmc/host/mxcmmc.c | 13 +++----------
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/host/mxcmmc.c b/drivers/mmc/host/mxcmmc.c
index ad11142..536a898 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/host/mxcmmc.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/host/mxcmmc.c
@@ -373,13 +373,9 @@ static void mxcmci_dma_callback(void *data)
stat = mxcmci_readl(host, MMC_REG_STATUS);
- mxcmci_writel(host, stat & ~STATUS_DATA_TRANS_DONE, MMC_REG_STATUS);
dev_dbg(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%s: 0x%08x\n", __func__, stat);
- if (stat & STATUS_READ_OP_DONE)
- mxcmci_writel(host, STATUS_READ_OP_DONE, MMC_REG_STATUS);
mxcmci_data_done(host, stat);
@@ -743,10 +739,8 @@ static irqreturn_t mxcmci_irq(int irq, void *devid)
sdio_irq = (stat & STATUS_SDIO_INT_ACTIVE) && host->use_sdio;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->lock, flags);
- if (mxcmci_use_dma(host) &&
+ if (mxcmci_use_dma(host) && (stat & (STATUS_WRITE_OP_DONE)))
+ mxcmci_writel(host, STATUS_WRITE_OP_DONE, MMC_REG_STATUS);
if (sdio_irq) {
@@ -756,8 +750,7 @@ static irqreturn_t mxcmci_irq(int irq, void *devid)
mxcmci_cmd_done(host, stat);
- if (mxcmci_use_dma(host) &&
+ if (mxcmci_use_dma(host) && (stat & STATUS_WRITE_OP_DONE)) {
mxcmci_data_done(host, stat);
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