Re: [PATCH 0/5] fuse: handle release synchronously (v4)

From: Maxim Patlasov
Date: Wed Oct 01 2014 - 07:28:30 EST

On 10/01/2014 12:44 AM, Linus Torvalds wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Miklos Szeredi <miklos@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What about flock(2), FL_SETLEASE, etc semantics (which are the sane ones,
compared to the POSIX locks shit which mandates release of lock on each close(2)
instead of "when all [duplicate] descriptors have been closed")?

You have to do that from ->release(), there's no question about that.
We do locks_remove_file() independently on ->release, but yes, it's
basically done just before the last release.

But it has the *exact* same semantics as release, including very much
having nothing what-so-ever to do with "last close()".

If the file descriptor is opened for other reasons (ie mmap, /proc
accesses, whatever), then that delays locks_remove_file() the same way
it delays release.

None of that has *anothing* to do with "synchronous". Thinking it does is wrong.

And none of this has *anything* to do with the issue that Maxim
pointed to in the mailing list web page, which was about write caches,
and how you cannot (and MUST NOT) delay them until release time.

I apologise for mentioning that mailing list web page in my title message. This was really misleading, I had to think about it in advance. Of course, write caches must be flushed in scope of ->flush(), not ->release(). Let me please set forth an use-case that led me to those patches.

We implemented a FUSE-based distributed storage solution intended for keeping images of VMs (virtual machines) and their configuration files. The way how VMs use images makes exclusive-open()er semantics very attractive: while a VM is using its image on a node, the concurrent access from other nodes to that image is neither desirable nor necessary. So, we acquire an exclusive lease on FUSE_OPEN and release it on FUSE_RELEASE. This is quite natural and has obviously nothing to do with FUSE_FLUSH.

Following such semantics, there are two choices for handling open() if the file is currently exclusively locked by a remote node: (a) return EBUSY; (b) block until the remote node release the file. We decided for (a), because (b) is very inconvenient in practice: most applications handle failed open(2) properly, but very few are clever enough to spawn a separate thread with open() and kill it if the open() has not succeeded in a reasonable time.

The patches I sent make essentially one thing: they make FUSE ->release() wait for ACK from userspace before return. Without these patches, any attempt to test or use our storage in valid use-cases led to spurious EBUSY. For example, while migrating a VM from one node to another, we firstly close the image file on source node, then try to open it on destination node, but fail because FUSE_RELEASE is not processed by userspace on source node yet.

Given those patches must die, do you have any ideas how to resolve that "spurious EBUSY" problem?

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