Re: [PATCH v4 4/6] ARM: rockchip: add basic smp support for rk3288

From: Kever Yang
Date: Tue Oct 14 2014 - 17:50:24 EST


On 10/14/2014 02:23 PM, Heiko Stübner wrote:
Am Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014, 13:24:03 schrieb Doug Anderson:

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Kever Yang <kever.yang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ /*
+ * We need to soft reset the cpu when we turn off the cpu power
domain, + * or else the active processors might be stalled when
the individual + * processor is powered down.
+ */
+ if (read_cpuid_part_number() != ARM_CPU_PART_CORTEX_A9) {
I haven't done a full review of this patch, but it seems unlikely that
your uses of read_cpuid_part_number() and read_cpuid_part() in this
patch are correct. You use both functions and in both cases compare
the results to ARM_CPU_PART_CORTEX_A9.
I think read_cpuid_part() would be the correct one, as it does
You are right, read_cpuid_part() is correct one on kernel next,
I mix up 3.14 kernel and next tree, only read_cpuid_part_number() is available
in 3.14 kernel.

I will correct it in my next version, any other changes needed for new version?

- Kever.
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