Re: Machine crashes right *after* ~successful resume

From: Wilmer van der Gaast
Date: Sat Oct 18 2014 - 19:57:37 EST

(Resending, forgot to hit reply-to-all.)

Hello Yinghai,

On 18-10-14 22:28, Yinghai Lu wrote:
> Please apply attached debug patch on top of v3.17 and boot with
> "debug ignore_loglevel initcall_debug no_console_suspend".
> Hope we can find out which nb notifier cause problem.
Did that. Strangely, or better said, quite annoyingly, I'm now getting no output anymore at all on the third resume! :-(

I could try non-serial instead if you think that's worth a shot, but the most annoying thing is that my video doesn't get initialised properly after resume unless I have the tainting nvidia driver loaded. I could try if nouveau helps.

I've dropped all the debugging output in the same directory like before, look for files named like


Wilmer v/d Gaast.

+-------- .''`. - -- ---+ + - -- --- ---- ----- ------+
| wilmer : :' : | | OSS Programmer |
| lintux `. `~' | | Full-time geek |
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