Re: [PATCH] rtc: Disable EFI rtc for x86

From: Austin S Hemmelgarn
Date: Tue Nov 11 2014 - 07:14:25 EST

On 2014-11-11 06:38, One Thousand Gnomes wrote:
look further into the options I have set in my kernel build, I may have
changed something else without remembering between booting with and
without the CSM enabled.

It could also be that the non-CSM BIOS somehow remaps the CMOS registers.

I don't believe there is anything which prevents the CSM from faking a
CMOS clock using SMM from whatever is actually in the hardware.


It wouldn't surprise me if that were the case. I've had some pretty weird firmware related issues with other Lenovo systems before (like the brightness hot-keys causing the reported trip points for ACPI thermal zones to temporarily change).

I've rebuilt the kernel I'm using with everything I can think of possibly depending on the CSM compiled out or as modules, so I'll hopefully have some more info soon.

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