Re: [PATCH v3] Bluetooth: automatically flushable packets aren't allowed on LE links

From: Steven Walter
Date: Tue Nov 25 2014 - 09:54:50 EST

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Steven Walter <stevenrwalter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > I think Marcel was after just providing a clarifying code comment in
>> > both places - having two branches of an if-statement doing exactly the
>> > same thing looks a bit weird to me. To make thins completely clear I'd
>> > suggest adding a simple helper function that you can call from both
>> > places to get the needed flags, something like the following:
>> I am actually fine with just adding a comment explaining the complex if
>> statement on why it is correct. It is just a helper for everybody to
>> understand what and why it is done that way.
> Is the comment I added sufficient, or should I add one for the other if
> condition as well? To me, the second condition is pretty straightforward:
> if the caller requested it and the hardware supports it, use NO_FLUSH. The
> relationship between FLUSH/NO_FLUSH and low-energy is much less clear and
> more justifies a comment, in my opinion.

Did a miss a reply to this? How would you like the next iteration of
the patch to look?
-Steven Walter <stevenrwalter@xxxxxxxxx>
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