Re: Linux 3.19-rc5

From: Bruno PrÃmont
Date: Mon Jan 19 2015 - 13:02:34 EST

On Sun, 18 January 2015 Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Another week, another -rc.
> Fairly normal release, although I'd wish that by rc5 we'd have calmed
> down even further. But no, with some of the driver tree merges in
> particular, this is actually larger than rc4 was.
> That said, it's not like there is anything particularly scary in here.
> The arm64 vm bug that I mentioned as pending in the rc4 notes got
> fixed within a day of that previous rc release, and the rest looks
> pretty standard. Mostly drivers (networking, usb, scsi target, block
> layer, mmc, tty etc), but also arch updates (arm, x86, s390 and some
> tiny powerpc fixes), some filesystem updates (fuse and nfs), tracing
> fixes, and some perf tooling fixes.
> Shortlog with the details appended.
> Go forth and test.

No idea yet which rc is the offender (nor exact patch), but on my not
so recent UP laptop with a pccard slot I have 2 pccardd kernel threads
converting my laptop into a heater.

lspci for affected nodes:
02:06.0 CardBus bridge [0607]: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711EC1 SmartCardBus Controller [1217:7113] (rev 20)
02:06.1 CardBus bridge [0607]: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711EC1 SmartCardBus Controller [1217:7113] (rev 20)

Very basics I have, before I attempt any bisection:

cat /proc/$(pidof pccardd)/stack
[<c143ec95>] pccardd+0x1a5/0x3e0
[<c10543a0>] kthread+0xa0/0xc0
[<c16cd840>] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x20/0x30
[<ffffffff>] 0xffffffff

Doing objdump on drivers/pcmcia/cs.o in which pccardd() is defined
it seems pccardd is stuck in try_to_freeze_unsafe().

Does this kind of behavior ring a bell?

I can unbind the two yenta_cardbus devices from yenta_cardbus to stop
the CPU usage.

Possibly important config option:
# CONFIG_SMP is not set

Objdump below:

static int pccardd(void *__skt)
ca0: 55 push %ebp
ca1: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
ca3: 57 push %edi
ca4: 56 push %esi
ca5: 53 push %ebx
ca6: 89 c3 mov %eax,%ebx
ca8: 83 ec 24 sub $0x24,%esp

DECLARE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, current_task);

static __always_inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
return this_cpu_read_stable(current_task);
cab: a1 00 00 00 00 mov 0x0,%eax
struct pcmcia_socket *skt = __skt;
int ret;

skt->thread = current;
cb0: 89 83 e4 00 00 00 mov %eax,0xe4(%ebx)
skt->socket = dead_socket;
cb6: a1 00 00 00 00 mov 0x0,%eax
cbb: 8b 93 cc 00 00 00 mov 0xcc(%ebx),%edx
struct pcmcia_socket *skt = __skt;
int ret;

skt->thread = current;
skt->socket = dead_socket;
cc1: 89 43 04 mov %eax,0x4(%ebx)
cc4: a1 04 00 00 00 mov 0x4,%eax
cc9: 89 43 08 mov %eax,0x8(%ebx)
ccc: a1 08 00 00 00 mov 0x8,%eax
cd1: 89 43 0c mov %eax,0xc(%ebx)
cd4: 89 d8 mov %ebx,%eax
cd6: ff 12 call *(%edx)
skt->ops->set_socket(skt, &skt->socket);
cd8: 8b 8b cc 00 00 00 mov 0xcc(%ebx),%ecx
cde: 8d 53 04 lea 0x4(%ebx),%edx
ce1: 89 d8 mov %ebx,%eax
ce3: ff 51 0c call *0xc(%ecx)

/* register with the device core */
ret = device_register(&skt->dev);
ce6: 8d 83 2c 01 00 00 lea 0x12c(%ebx),%eax
cec: 89 45 e0 mov %eax,-0x20(%ebp)
cef: e8 fc ff ff ff call cf0 <pccardd+0x50>
if (ret) {
cf4: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
cf6: 0f 85 d4 02 00 00 jne fd0 <pccardd+0x330>
"PCMCIA: unable to register socket\n");
skt->thread = NULL;
return 0;
ret = pccard_sysfs_add_socket(&skt->dev);
cfc: 8b 45 e0 mov -0x20(%ebp),%eax
cff: e8 fc ff ff ff call d00 <pccardd+0x60>
if (ret)
d04: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
"PCMCIA: unable to register socket\n");
skt->thread = NULL;
return 0;
ret = pccard_sysfs_add_socket(&skt->dev);
d06: 89 45 e4 mov %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)
if (ret)
d09: 0f 85 01 03 00 00 jne 1010 <pccardd+0x370>
dev_warn(&skt->dev, "err %d adding socket attributes\n", ret);

d0f: 8d 83 e8 00 00 00 lea 0xe8(%ebx),%eax
d15: e8 fc ff ff ff call d16 <pccardd+0x76>

/* wait for userspace to catch up */
d1a: b8 fa 00 00 00 mov $0xfa,%eax
d1f: e8 fc ff ff ff call d20 <pccardd+0x80>

d24: e8 fc ff ff ff call d25 <pccardd+0x85>
d29: 8d 83 fc 00 00 00 lea 0xfc(%ebx),%eax
d2f: 8b 3d 00 00 00 00 mov 0x0,%edi
d35: 89 45 e8 mov %eax,-0x18(%ebp)
d38: 89 7d dc mov %edi,-0x24(%ebp)
d3b: 90 nop
d3c: 8d 74 26 00 lea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
for (;;) {
unsigned long flags;
unsigned int events;
unsigned int sysfs_events;

d40: be 40 0d 00 00 mov $0xd40,%esi
d45: 89 b7 8c 0c 00 00 mov %esi,0xc8c(%edi)
d4b: c7 07 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1,(%edi)
* "=rm" is safe here, because "pop" adjusts the stack before
* it evaluates its effective address -- this is part of the
* documented behavior of the "pop" instruction.
asm volatile("# __raw_save_flags\n\t"
d51: 9c pushf
d52: 58 pop %eax
:"memory", "cc");

static inline void native_irq_disable(void)
asm volatile("cli": : :"memory");
d53: fa cli
* The various preempt_count add/sub methods

static __always_inline void __preempt_count_add(int val)
raw_cpu_add_4(__preempt_count, val);
d54: ff 05 00 00 00 00 incl 0x0

spin_lock_irqsave(&skt->thread_lock, flags);
events = skt->thread_events;
d5a: 8b 8b f4 00 00 00 mov 0xf4(%ebx),%ecx
skt->thread_events = 0;
d60: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
sysfs_events = skt->sysfs_events;
d62: 8b b3 f8 00 00 00 mov 0xf8(%ebx),%esi


spin_lock_irqsave(&skt->thread_lock, flags);
events = skt->thread_events;
skt->thread_events = 0;
d68: 89 93 f4 00 00 00 mov %edx,0xf4(%ebx)
unsigned int sysfs_events;


spin_lock_irqsave(&skt->thread_lock, flags);
events = skt->thread_events;
d6e: 89 4d ec mov %ecx,-0x14(%ebp)
skt->thread_events = 0;
sysfs_events = skt->sysfs_events;
skt->sysfs_events = 0;
d71: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
d73: 89 8b f8 00 00 00 mov %ecx,0xf8(%ebx)
return flags;

static inline void native_restore_fl(unsigned long flags)
asm volatile("push %0 ; popf"
d79: 50 push %eax
d7a: 9d popf
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&skt->thread_lock, flags);

d7b: 8b 45 e8 mov -0x18(%ebp),%eax

static __always_inline void __preempt_count_sub(int val)
raw_cpu_add_4(__preempt_count, -val);
d7e: ff 0d 00 00 00 00 decl 0x0
d84: e8 fc ff ff ff call d85 <pccardd+0xe5>
if (events & SS_DETECT)
d89: f6 45 ec 80 testb $0x80,-0x14(%ebp)
d8d: 0f 85 f5 00 00 00 jne e88 <pccardd+0x1e8>

if (sysfs_events) {
d93: 85 f6 test %esi,%esi
d95: 0f 84 85 00 00 00 je e20 <pccardd+0x180>
if (sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_EJECT)
d9b: f7 c6 01 00 00 00 test $0x1,%esi
da1: 0f 85 21 01 00 00 jne ec8 <pccardd+0x228>
if (sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_INSERT)
da7: f7 c6 02 00 00 00 test $0x2,%esi
dad: 0f 85 28 01 00 00 jne edb <pccardd+0x23b>
if ((sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_SUSPEND) &&
db3: f7 c6 04 00 00 00 test $0x4,%esi
db9: 74 25 je de0 <pccardd+0x140>
dbb: f6 43 11 80 testb $0x80,0x11(%ebx)
dbf: 75 1f jne de0 <pccardd+0x140>
!(skt->state & SOCKET_CARDBUS)) {
if (skt->callback)
dc1: 8b 93 14 01 00 00 mov 0x114(%ebx),%edx
dc7: 85 d2 test %edx,%edx
dc9: 0f 84 e1 01 00 00 je fb0 <pccardd+0x310>
ret = skt->callback->suspend(skt);
dcf: 89 d8 mov %ebx,%eax
dd1: ff 52 14 call *0x14(%edx)
ret = 0;
if (!ret) {
dd4: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
if (sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_INSERT)
if ((sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_SUSPEND) &&
!(skt->state & SOCKET_CARDBUS)) {
if (skt->callback)
ret = skt->callback->suspend(skt);
dd6: 89 45 e4 mov %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)
ret = 0;
if (!ret) {
dd9: 0f 84 d1 01 00 00 je fb0 <pccardd+0x310>
ddf: 90 nop
if ((sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_RESUME) &&
de0: f7 c6 08 00 00 00 test $0x8,%esi
de6: 74 0c je df4 <pccardd+0x154>
!(skt->state & SOCKET_CARDBUS)) {
de8: 8b 43 10 mov 0x10(%ebx),%eax
if (!ret) {
if ((sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_RESUME) &&
deb: f6 c4 80 test $0x80,%ah
dee: 0f 84 24 01 00 00 je f18 <pccardd+0x278>
!(skt->state & SOCKET_CARDBUS)) {
ret = socket_resume(skt);
if (!ret && skt->callback)
if ((sysfs_events & PCMCIA_UEVENT_REQUERY) &&
df4: f7 c6 10 00 00 00 test $0x10,%esi
dfa: 74 24 je e20 <pccardd+0x180>
dfc: f6 43 11 80 testb $0x80,0x11(%ebx)
e00: 75 1e jne e20 <pccardd+0x180>
!(skt->state & SOCKET_CARDBUS)) {
if (!ret && skt->callback)
e02: 8b 4d e4 mov -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx
e05: 85 c9 test %ecx,%ecx
e07: 75 17 jne e20 <pccardd+0x180>
e09: 8b 93 14 01 00 00 mov 0x114(%ebx),%edx
e0f: 85 d2 test %edx,%edx
e11: 74 0d je e20 <pccardd+0x180>
e13: 89 d8 mov %ebx,%eax
e15: ff 52 0c call *0xc(%edx)
e18: 90 nop
e19: 8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
e20: 8b 45 e8 mov -0x18(%ebp),%eax
e23: e8 fc ff ff ff call e24 <pccardd+0x184>

if (events || sysfs_events)
e28: 8b 45 ec mov -0x14(%ebp),%eax
e2b: 09 f0 or %esi,%eax
e2d: 0f 85 0d ff ff ff jne d40 <pccardd+0xa0>

if (kthread_should_stop())
e33: e8 fc ff ff ff call e34 <pccardd+0x194>
e38: 84 c0 test %al,%al
e3a: 0f 85 30 01 00 00 jne f70 <pccardd+0x2d0>

e40: e8 fc ff ff ff call e41 <pccardd+0x1a1>
* If try_to_freeze causes a lockdep warning it means the caller may deadlock
static inline bool try_to_freeze_unsafe(void)
e45: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx

Stack as obtained points to here.

e47: ba 38 00 00 00 mov $0x38,%edx
e4c: b8 3c 01 00 00 mov $0x13c,%eax
e51: e8 fc ff ff ff call e52 <pccardd+0x1b2>
e56: e8 fc ff ff ff call e57 <pccardd+0x1b7>
* Atomically reads the value of @v.
static inline int atomic_read(const atomic_t *v)
return ACCESS_ONCE((v)->counter);
e5b: a1 00 00 00 00 mov 0x0,%eax
* Check if there is a request to freeze a process
static inline bool freezing(struct task_struct *p)
if (likely(!atomic_read(&system_freezing_cnt)))
e60: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
e62: 0f 84 d8 fe ff ff je d40 <pccardd+0xa0>
return false;
return freezing_slow_path(p);
e68: 8b 45 dc mov -0x24(%ebp),%eax
e6b: e8 fc ff ff ff call e6c <pccardd+0x1cc>
* If try_to_freeze causes a lockdep warning it means the caller may deadlock
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