From: Jason Baron
Date: Mon Feb 09 2015 - 16:32:54 EST

On 02/09/2015 03:18 PM, Andy Lutomirski wrote:
> On 02/09/2015 12:06 PM, Jason Baron wrote:
>> Epoll file descriptors that are added to a shared wakeup source are always
>> added in a non-exclusive manner. That means that when we have multiple epoll
>> fds attached to a shared wakeup source they are all woken up. This can
>> lead to excessive cpu usage and uneven load distribution.
>> This patch introduces two new 'events' flags that are intended to be used
>> with EPOLL_CTL_ADD operations. EPOLLEXCLUSIVE, adds the epoll fd to the event
>> source in an exclusive manner such that the minimum number of threads are
>> woken. EPOLLROUNDROBIN, which depends on EPOLLEXCLUSIVE also being set, can
>> also be added to the 'events' flag, such that we round robin around the set
>> of waiting threads.
>> An implementation note is that in the epoll wakeup routine,
>> 'ep_poll_callback()', if EPOLLROUNDROBIN is set, we return 1, for a successful
>> wakeup, only when there are current waiters. The idea is to use this additional
>> heuristic in order minimize wakeup latencies.
> I don't understand what this is intended to do.
> If an event has EPOLLONESHOT, then this only one thread should be woken regardless, right? If not, isn't that just a bug that should be fixed?
> with EPOLLONESHOT you basically get notified once about an event. If i have multiple epoll fds (say 1 per-thread) attached to a single source in EPOLLONESHOT, then all threads will potentially get woken up once per event. Then, I would have to re-arm all of them. So I don't think this addresses this particular usecase...what I am trying to avoid is this mass wakeup or thundering herd for a shared event source.

> If an event has EPOLLET, then the considerations are similar to EPOLLONESHOT, right?

EPOLLET is still going to cause this thundering herd.

> If an event is a normal level-triggered non-one-shot event, then I don't understand how a round-robin wakeup makes any sense. It's level-triggered, after all.

Yeah, so the current behavior is to wake up all of the threads. I'm trying to add a new mode where it load balances among the threads interested in the event. Perhaps, the test program I attached to 0/2 will show the issue better?

Also, this originally came up in the context of a single listening socket which was attached to multiple epoll fds each in a separate thread. With the attached patch, I can measure a large decrease in cpu usage and better balancing behavior among the accepting threads.


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