On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 03:39:36AM -0500, Nicholas Mc Guire wrote:
- if (!rc) {
+ if (irq_timeout == 0) {
Why == 0 tho? This always bothers me. To match this style, we'd use
!= 0 to test the other direction. In what way is "if (ret != 0)"
better than "if (ret)"? We're negating the two tests needlessly.
The == 0 seemed better to me than ! here because it would read
if (not irq_timeout) {
while it actually did time out - but this could be resolved by renaming
irq_timeout to time_left (as was suggested by Sergei Shtylyov
<sergei.shtylyov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for a similar patch) and then it
would read:
if (time_left == 0) {
which would nicely describe the timeout state.
if that addresses your concerns then I'll fix it up and repost.