Re: [PATCH v3 2/2] fbcon: expose cursor blink interval via sysfs
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Wed Feb 25 2015 - 04:50:09 EST
On Mon 2015-01-26 20:41:53, Scot Doyle wrote:
> The fbcon cursor, when set to blink, is hardcoded to toggle display state
> five times per second. Expose this setting via
> /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink_ms
> Values written to the interface set the approximate time interval in
> milliseconds between cursor toggles, from 1 to 32767. Since the interval
> is stored internally as a number of jiffies, the millisecond value read
> from the interface may not exactly match the entered value.
> An outstanding blink timer is reset after a new value is entered.
> If the cursor blink is disabled, either via the 'cursor_blink' boolean
> setting or some other mechanism, the 'cursor_blink_ms' setting may still
> be modified. The new value will be used if the blink is reactivated.
> Signed-off-by: Scot Doyle <lkml14@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Normally, this would be set by ansi escape sequences, no? We can hide
cursor using them, set its appearance.. makes sense to change timing
value there, too....
(cesky, pictures)
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