On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 7:29 AM, Mario LimoncielloThanks for that confirmation. That does sound like a very likely candidate that it was because the audio device was in the wrong state.
<mario_limonciello@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's nothing about the wireless. I swapped it out for an intel card
on day 3 or so.
Yes, I am almost 100% sure that this affects suspend/resume. Prior to
the _REV hack, my laptop *never* suspended correctly. Now it
regularly suspends just fine. I also double-checked that rebasing on
Linus' master didn't affect it. With the _REV hack it doesn't
suspend. Without it, it's just fine.
I don't know much about suspend/resume but is it possible that the
problem is the kernel not being able to properly shut down the sound
That matches what I've seen. With the _REV hack, I see nothing aboutSure. In in the interim, here is the patch you can apply to your local DSDT and put in the initramfs to see what it will look like w/ A02. This will leave the touchpad in I2C and audio in HDA.
HDA in dmesg and I get different audio messages than with an _OSI of
Windows 2009.
I look forward to seeing the update. Thanks for working on this!
--Jason Ekstrand