Ok- SCHED_DEADLINE can be used to schedule real-time tasks guaranteeing that
- the jobs' deadlines of a task are respected. In order to do this, a task
- must be scheduled by setting:
+ utilisations or densities: it can be shown that even if D_i = P_i task
+ sets with utilisations slightly larger than 1 can miss deadlines regardless
+ of the number of CPUs.
+ \newline (add som breathing space)
Yes, this is what I originally wrote (and is the example I teach to students:
+ For example, consider a M tasks {Task_1,...Task_M} scheduled on M - 1
Please consider rewriting this to
"Consinder a set of M+1 tasks on a system with M CPUs [...]"
As 'M' is normally used to denote the number of cores available and it is
much easier to grasp the context of "<some number> + 1" rather than "<some
number - 1"-CPUs.
Right. This was a \epsilon in the original paper (actually, Dhall used 2\epsilon+ CPUs, with the first M - 1 tasks having a small worst case execution time
+ WCET_i=e and period equal to relative deadline P_i=D_i=P-1. The last task
Normally, 'e' is used to denote an _arbitrarily_ small value, and I suspect
that this is indeed the case here as well
(you're going to describeOk
Dhall's effect, right?). Perhaps make that point explicit?
T_i = {P_i, e, P_i}
+ (Task_M) has period, relative deadline and worst case execution time
+ equal to P: P_M=D_M=WCET_M=P.
T_M = {P, P, P}
Ok+ If all the tasks activate at the^^^^^^
+ same time t, global EDF schedules the first M - 1 tasks first (because
+ their absolute deadlines are equal to t + P - 1, hence they are smaller
+ than the absolute deadline of Task_M, which is t + P). As a result, Task_M
+ can be scheduled only at time t + e, and will finish at time t + e + P,
+ after its absolute deadline t + P. The total utilisation of the task set
Drop this, the text is full of equations as it is.
Right. The original paper uses "\lim_{\epsilon -> 0} ...", but I decided to
+ is (M - 1) Â e / (P - 1) + P / P = (M - 1) Â e / (P - 1) + 1, and for
+ small values of e this can become very close to 1. This is known as "Dhall's
+ effect"[7].
This gives the impression that 'e' must be constant, but all it really
means is that e is an 'arbitrarily small value which can be *almost* 0'
and that they will be picked _before_ the heavy task by EDF.Right. This is because these tasks have period (and relative deadline) equal to P-1.
Ok; if other people agree, I'll add a patch to the patchset to convert all the+ More complex schedulability tests for global EDF have been developed in
+ real-time literature[8,9], but they are not based on a simple comparison
+ between total utilisation (or density) and a fixed constant. If all tasks
+ have D_i = P_i, a sufficient schedulability condition can be expressed in
+ a simple way:
+ sum_i WCET_i / P_i <= M - (M - 1) Â U_max
sum_i; as stated in another comment, just juse 'sum' (IMHO)
This is not the point I wanted to make... Absolute deadlines (equal to r + D)+ where U_max = max_i {WCET_i / P_i}[10]. Notice that for U_max = 1,
+ M - (M - 1) Â U_max becomes M - M + 1 = 1 and this schedulability condition
+ just confirms the Dhall's effect. A more complete survey of the literature
+ about schedulability tests for multi-processor real-time scheduling can be
+ found in [11].
+ As seen, enforcing that the total utilisation is smaller than M does not
+ guarantee that global EDF schedules the tasks without missing any deadline
+ (in other words, global EDF is not an optimal scheduling algorithm). However,
+ a total utilisation smaller than M is enough to guarantee that non real-time
+ tasks are not starved and that the tardiness of real-time tasks has an upper
+ bound[12] (as previously noticed). Different bounds on the maximum tardiness
+ experienced by real-time tasks have been developed in various papers[13,14],
+ but the theoretical result that is important for SCHED_DEADLINE is that if
+ the total utilisation is smaller or equal than M then the response times of
+ the tasks are limited.
+ Finally, it is important to understand the relationship between the
+ scheduling deadlines assigned by SCHED_DEADLINE and the tasks' deadlines
+ described above (which represent the real temporal constraints of the task).
What about simething like
Finally, it is important to understand the relationship between the
scheduling deadlines assigned by SCHED_DEADLINE and the tasks' deadlines
described above.
The task itself supplies a _relative_ deadline, i.e. an offset after the
release of the task at which point it must be complete whereas
SCHED_DEADLINE assigns an _absolute_ deadline (a specific point in time) on
the form
D_i = r_i + d_i
Or somesuch? I may be overdoing this.