Re: [V8 PATCH 1/3] ACPICA: Add ACPI _CLS processing

From: Suravee Suthikulpanit
Date: Fri Apr 24 2015 - 17:08:52 EST

On 4/16/15 20:45, Zheng, Lv wrote:
Before back porting this to ACPICA, let me ask one simple question.
According to the spec, the _CLS is optional and PCI specific.
So why should we implement it in ACPICA core not OSPM specific modules?
If this need to be implemented in ACPICA, then what about the following device identification objects?

Thanks and best regards


Sorry for late reply. As for the justification for introducing the _CLS support in the ACPICA, this is mainly because ACPI does not currently define _CID for certain device classes, which used to mostly be PCI devices. Instead, ACPI spec mentioned that _CLS can be used for loading generic drivers on hardware that is compatible with PCI-defined device classes, but that is not implemented on the PCI bus (and is therefore enumerated by ACPI.)

The code introduced for supporting _CLS is also similar in the way ACPICA is currently parsing the _CID or _SUB (which are also optional), and using it for the same purpose of identifying devices for loading drivers.

Also, since this method for identifying devices is OS-independent, I believe this should not be done in the OSPM specific modules.


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