Hi Guenter,
Thank you for your comments again,
Here are my responses.
On 15 May 2015 03:13, Guenter Roeck
Subject: Re: [PATCH V2 3/4] watchdog: da9062: DA9062 watchdog driver
+ irq = platform_get_irq_byname(pdev, "WDG_WARN");
+ if (irq < 0) {
+ dev_err(wdt->hw->dev, "Failed to get IRQ.\n");
+ ret = irq;
+ goto error;
Just return; the label does not serve a useful purpose. Same for the other
goto statements below.
Agreed. This is changed now.
Also, is the interrupt mandatory ? All it does is to display a message.
Looks very optional to me.
It is a place holder for something more application specific.
I could remove it, but I figured it would just get re-added when somebody takes the
driver and modifies it for their needs.
If this is a problem however, it can go.
Please advise ..