Re: Userspace Block Device

From: Bill Speirs
Date: Tue May 19 2015 - 11:33:59 EST

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 11:19 AM, One Thousand Gnomes
<gnomes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ... rack up a huge bill with Amazon or Google
> And you probably would because the block layer will see a lot of I/O
> requests that you would really want to process locally, as well as stuff
> caused by working at the block not file level (like readaheads).
> You also can't deal with coherency this way - eg sharing the virtual disk
> between two systems because the file system code isn't expecting other
> clients to modify the disk under it.
> Rather than nbd you could also look at drbd or some similar kind of
> setup where you keep the entire filestore locally and write back changes
> to the remote copy. As you can never share the filestore when mounted you
> can cache it pretty aggressively.

What kinds of things could I process locally? I was thinking I could
keep a bitmap of "sectors" that have never been written to, then just
return zeroed-out sectors for those. What else I could do? Thoughts?

I'm not looking to share the filesystem, just never have to buy a
bigger disk again and get pseudo-backup along with it (I realize
things in my cache would be lost if my house burned to the ground).

drbd isn't really what I'm looking for, because I don't want to have
to buy a disk that's large enough to fit everything. Just a small fast
SSD (or RAM disk) to cache commonly used files, then spill-over to the
cloud for everything else. In theory, I would have a /home that is
"infinite", and fairly fast for things that are cached.

Thanks for the thoughts/points!

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