Re: [PATCH v2 6/7] Watchdog: introduce ARM SBSA watchdog driver
From: Timur Tabi
Date: Sat May 23 2015 - 15:28:39 EST
Fu Wei wrote:
I wonder why you are so sure "that SOC won't have an SBSA watchdog in
it." any documentation ?
Sorry, I am not a chip design engineer, I can't see why 32-bit ARM
won't have an SBSA watchdog in it.
Because there's no market for it. I'm not talking about what's
theoretically possible. I'm only talking about what makes sense and
what will actually happen. And I'm quite certain that we will never see
an actual 32-bit ARM SOC with an SBSA watchdog device in it.
Therefore, it makes no sense to complicated the code so that we can
support an SOC that will never exist.
So can we PLEASE stop talking about 32-bit ARM support?
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