Kconfiglib -- a flexible Kconfig parser -- now on GitHub

From: Ulf Magnusson
Date: Mon Jun 01 2015 - 19:58:58 EST


A few years ago I posted patches for a Python Kconfig parser and
library I was working on (https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/2/6/151). As not
many people are probably aware of it, an updated version of that
library has been at https://github.com/ulfalizer/Kconfiglib for a
while now, and is being used for some tasks in e.g. Buildroot and Das

As a concrete example, I just noticed scripts/checkkconfigsymbols.py
and remembered that I have an example script that does the same thing
(minus some functionality):

I have no intention to get Kconfiglib into the kernel (unless there
would be a demand), and it's definitely not meant to replace the C
implementation or introduce a Python dependency for standard builds.
It's just an auxiliary helper library which some people might find
useful -- especially when doing "unusual" things with Kconfig-based
configuration systems.

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