Re: [PATCH v2 3/5] drm/rockchip: vop: support plane scale

From: Mark yao
Date: Fri Jul 03 2015 - 06:22:55 EST

On 2015å07æ03æ 17:58, Tomasz Figa wrote:
>>Aren't the scl_modes for CbCr planes always the same as for Y plane?
>No, such as src(1920 x 1080) -> dst(1280x800), yuv format is NV12.
>so Y plane horizontal and vertical is scale down.
>but src_w = 1920 / 2 = 960 < 1280
> src_h = 1080 / 2 = 540 < 800.
>So Cbcr horizontal and vertical is scale up.
Sorry, I don't follow.

If we scale down Y plane in NV12 from 1920x1080 to 1280x800, then
original CbCr plane will be 960x540 and destination CbCr plane will be
640x400 (because CbCr plane of NV12 is subsampled 2x2, which is half
the width and half the height of Y plane), so both planes are being
scaled down.

destination CbCr plane is 1280x800, destination can't be subsample.


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